Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1234: Empress self-defense again 1

Even so, he became famous in the medical field, and he started to win various awards in college.

I am still reading a Ph.D.

Damn, I thought I had two bronze apprentices, but I didn't expect them to be kings!

Xia Shi took the prescription and was about to go out to buy medicine for Zhai En.

When I opened the door, I was rushed in. It was Xia Weibao who had gone and returned!

Xia Weibao pushed her into the house, then closed the door of the reward.

"What's wrong?" Xia Shi was puzzled.

Xia Weibao made a silent gesture toward her, "I don't know who in your building is annoying, I just saw a few killers coming over here."

So she went and returned to see if she had a chance to defend herself.

Although they know that Xia Shi has a character that is incompetent with the world, it is impossible for those people to come to Xia Shi.

But what if it gets affected, right?

She stayed here, not only to protect the beauty, but also to defend herself.

Just thinking about it, I heard a violent knock on the door.

Xia Weibao, "..."

What a special thing!

It was actually looking for Xia Shi!

Suddenly I was very lucky that I ran back. Otherwise, how could Xia Shi, a weak woman, be the opponent of those killers?

Oh shit!

One or two when she is dead, dare to move her woman!

Xia Weibao opened the door angrily and confronted the six fierce killers outside.

"Who sent you here!"

The killers who were shooting the door were taken aback, Miss Qiao clearly said that the target was an ugly monster, how could she be a god?

Looking back, he saw the disfigured Xia Shi with an extremely fierce expression.

"Let's find her and be less nosy."


Empress Empress felt that talking nonsense with these people would be a waste of time. It's better to start a fight and then torture a confession!

For fear of quarreling the neighbors and causing unnecessary trouble, Xia Weibao tapped their dumb acupoints at the same time as he was doing it.

Let them have no way to the sky, no way to the earth!

I can't shout even if I want to.

Then he closed the door easily. It was too violent to let the beautiful women see, otherwise the image of the lady would be destroyed.


Ah, oh, oh!

I fought happily...Ah no, self-defense, I was wrong. How could a lady like our lady fight? It's self-defense.

Forced to defend herself, the empress empress brought the killers in like a chicken and threw them into the living room.

Xia Shi, who ran to the kitchen with a kitchen knife and spatula and was about to go out to help, was stunned!

"This... are these the killers just now?"

I go!

He really didn't even recognize his mother!

The queen mother clapped her hands comfortably, "Yes, when they just stepped down the stairs, they fell like this."

All the killers, "..."

I have a sentence mmp wants to give to you!

Xia Shi, "..."

No need to explain, I know everything!

"Go ahead, who sent you here."

Xia Weibao waved his hand, his attitude seemed to say, either confess or impose punishment.

However, the few people covered their noses and swollen faces, and stared at her angrily.

The empress is happy, don't you say?

Just what she wants!

Raising his hand is a silver needle, and in the horrified eyes of those people, they pierced their pain points one by one.

The pain caused those people to roll on the ground and knock over several pieces of furniture. After a while, the cold sweat fell like water, but they were holding on without saying a word.

Xia Weibao calmly said, "No one has ever been able to hold under my hands for five minutes. Are you sure you don't tell me?"

"That..." Xia Shi suddenly pulled her hem, "Why do I think they want to say, but can't speak?"

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