Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1240: One wave is not flat, another wave rises

"Yeah." Xia Weibao was still cold, "Are you finished."

"It's over."

"I'm leaving."

Empress Empress turned around, took two steps, and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, you just said that you owe me a favor too?"


"I remember you seem to be playing King of Glory, right."

"Yeah." Yan Yuexian was ignorant, "I often play, and I'm almost the king."

The empress's eyes lit up, but her face was extremely reserved.

"Let me play with your account for a day, even if you pay back the favor."

Yan Yuexian was startled, so simple?

Help her face and cure her infertility, such a big favor, even if you play the glory of the king for a day?

Yan Yuexian was taken aback, took Xia Weibao's mobile phone, logged in to her WeChat account, and then logged in to King.

"I don't need WeChat and King today, you use it, and I will log in tomorrow."

Xia Weibao gave an OK gesture, quickly went to pick up the medicine, and went home to play the game.

When Lu Hua got cold, she saw her stepping on the sofa and cursing.

Some are speechless, the problem of the internet addiction girl cannot be corrected.

"Go to breakfast first." Lu Hualiang flicked her forehead.

It's really a waste of sleep and food.

Xia Weibao groaned, jumped to the ground and trot behind him in fur slippers.

"I wish I could play games every day without doing anything."

Lu Hualiang glanced back at her, his steps stopped too abruptly, and Xia Weibao hit his back.

The eyes are faintly resentful.

Lu Hualiang smiled and touched her bumped nose, "It's easy to play games every day. You quit the entertainment circle and become a full-time wife."

Xia Weibao, "...hehe, I don't really like games either."

After breakfast, Lu Hualiang sent her to Hongtu first, and then went to work.

When Xia Weibao came to the office, Leng Yan and Xu Jiayang looked gloomy and seemed to be dealing with something urgently.

Xu Jiayang kept making phone calls, and Leng Yan quickly clicked the mouse after sitting in the office.

Xia Shi hasn't come yet.

"What happened?"

Look at the expressions of these two people, very solemn.

Xu Jiayang just finished a phone call, and while pulling the other one, he said to her, "You and Xia Shi are on the headlines. I'm a contact person to suppress the matter, but the terror can't suppress it."

Xia Weibao blinked, very puzzled.

It is understandable for her to make headlines. After all, she is a star, and headlines are commonplace.

But what happened to Xia Shi, she was not a star.

Feeling puzzled, I already clicked on Weibo.


The font of the hot search first Hongtongtong is very eye-catching, and Xia Weibao was confused at the time.

Isn't her economic man Xia Shi, how could she become the actress Zhong Shixia?

She has heard of Zhong Shixia more than once, and it can be said to be a legend in the Chinese film industry!

The true Oriental Pearl of Hollywood!

As a super queen, Zhong Shixia has achieved no one surpassed so far!

However, the good times didn't last long. She was disfigured when she was twenty-seven, and she has since retired from the entertainment circle, and the legend of a generation of actresses ended.

I heard that she was disfigured after being splashed with sulfuric acid by black powder...

and many more!

Xia Weibao suddenly thought of something, and his face instantly changed.

Sulfuric acid disfigured, Xia Shi's face was destroyed by sulfuric acid!

The topic on the phone was opened, and she followed the link in the topic, and it was another long post.

"The editor received the news from insiders that Xia Weibao's agent, Xia Shi, was actually the shadow queen Zhong Shixia who had disappeared, and was really taken aback!"

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