Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1251: Miss Zhong Shixia 2

Just when things were raging, a Weibo big V suddenly broke a news.

Zhong Shixia climbed onto Zhai En's bed and asked Zhai En to change the script, adding to her role.

As soon as this news came out, discussions began on the Internet.

Unspoken rules, once such news is hooked with female stars, it is almost ruined.

In particular, Zhong Shixia has been out of the circle for five years, and she suddenly came back to pick up such a heavyweight movie, which is suspicious.

Zhai En's eyes slowly narrowed, and it is not difficult to guess who did this.

Qiao Yuchu!

Unexpectedly, her family was ruined, and she could still make waves!

Regarding this rumor, Director Zhai Da’s approach was to dump two red books.

Clean and neat!

Zhai Env: I heard that I have unspoken rules about my wife. 【Picture jpg.】

Zhong Shixia also updated Weibo.

Zhong Shixia v: I heard that I was unspoken by my husband. 【Picture jpg.】

The pictures attached to the two are the cover of the red book. As for the pictures, they are not shown.

Just when the people were shocked, Xia Weibao also updated a Weibo.

Xia Weibao v: In life, there are always some treasures that are easy to be snatched away.

This Weibo is inexplicable and everyone is confused.

——Baby, has anyone robbed you?

--by! Who dares to **** my goddess' things, kill without mercy!

——Baby, it’s been a long time since you've gotten more provocative, we miss you so much~

Lu Hualiang, who was helping Xia Weibao pack his things, darkened his face and gritted his teeth as he watched the dejected woman brushing Weibo next to him.

"You go filming and give me peace of mind!"

Xia Weibao raised her head, listlessly, "I'm very peaceful."

"What are you sad about."

Xia Weibao sighed heavily, "Hey, a pack of snacks I like was taken away."


Lu Hualiang, "..."

Wife, can you pay attention to your gender!

Lu Hualiang closed the gift box, "I'm going on a business trip for half a month. During this time, you must pay attention to safety when filming and don't cause trouble."

"I see, am I the kind of person who makes trouble everywhere."

Lu Hua sank for two seconds, "My wife, I found that your biggest shortcoming is that you don't know yourself."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Don't want to talk anymore.

The scene of "The Game in the Game" is the country L, which is adjacent to China, and a plane two hours away from the imperial city.

There is a movie studio that specializes in spy dramas, and many action dramas like to shoot here.

In the afternoon, all crew members were present.

Arrange check-in.

Empress Empress wanted to live with Zhong Shixia, but Zhai En refused.

There is no reason why newlyweds sleep in separate rooms.

Regarding this point, don't mention the empress' resentment.

After the props were shipped, Zhai En was very busy to check and arrange the venue.

The actors are the most leisurely.

It will be turned on tomorrow, and today is free time.

The two-hour flight was not tired, Xia Weibao and Zhong Shixia went shopping together.

The two still liked the ethnic customs of this small country.

I found a store, and everyone took a set of local clothes and changed them in.

When the two entered the fitting room, a bitter gaze fell on the door of Zhong Shixia's fitting room.

Qiao Yuchu walked out from behind the clothes hanger, "Zhong Shixia, you and Zhai En have made my family ruined. I want you to pay for it!"

Xia Weibao changed his clothes and came out, standing in front of the mirror and taking photos with him, quite satisfied.

The clothes here are a bit like the retro style of the Chinese minority, she likes it very much.

After waiting for a while, Xia Shi did not come out.

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