Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1260: Xia Weibao is your daughter 11

Yan Fei didn't know how to persuade.

Yan Weiyang's death was a big blow to the Yan family.

He checked for so long and couldn't find out who did it.

Although He Xin can be determined to be the murderer, she is nowhere to be found.

"Auntie, people can't come back from death, you have to cheer up."

Yan Lingyi tilted her head aside to prevent Yan Fei from seeing the tears in the corner of her eyes.

She also knows that death cannot be brought back to life.

No matter how sad it is, it will only make the family worried.

However, it cannot be done.

The thought of Yan Weiyang's death was unclear, her heart was tormented as if burned.

She was useless, she didn't protect her daughter.

Failure to protect her back then caused her to suffer more than ten years of displacement.

Now she lost her life even more.

Her inner self-blame almost annihilated her.

Yan Fei sighed and asked someone to remove the food, and then brought the nutrient solution for her infusion.

At this moment, the phone on the bedside clinked.

Yan Lingyi reached out and took it, and the page prompt was a text message from Lu Hualiang.

She frowned.

Since the last time she took action against the Lu family, the relationship between Yan and Lu family has entered a cold winter, very bad.

Because of Xia Weibao and Wei Young's affairs, Lu Hualiang didn't wait to see her very much.

Why are you looking for her suddenly now?

Although puzzled, Yan Lingyi clicked on the message.

Is a picture.

She enlarged the picture, it was a paternity test report.

Without remarks, I don't know whose paternity test was.

The latter result shows a mother-daughter relationship.

Yan Lingyi's pale face was filled with doubts. What does this mean?

Could it be the paternity test report of her and Yan Weiyang?

But what did Lu Hualiang send this to her.

"Whose information?"

Seeing her frowning, Yan Fei asked in confusion.

"Mr. Lu's."

Yan Lingyi said as he handed the phone over, Yan Fei took a look, and didn't know what he meant.

After a while, Lu Hualiang called in.

"Mrs. Lingyi, have you seen the appraisal report."

"I see, Mr. Lu, what do you mean by that."

"This is the paternity test report I gave you and Xia Weibao in private." Lu Hualiang's voice was cold.

If he could, he would never want Xia Weibao to recognize the Yan family.

However, the situation is urgent now, so it must not be so much.

He couldn't save the nearby fire from distant water, so he could only order Yi to rescue it.

As for what danger the exposure of her identity will bring to her, if he blocks her, no one can move her!

Yan Lingyi was stunned for a long while, but couldn't reflect from this sentence.

Then, his pupils shrank fiercely, and his breathing was a little short.

"what did you say?"

Her and Xia Weibao's paternity test report?

how is this possible!

Mingming Yan Weiyang is her daughter.

A humble and ethereal hope rose in her heart, and she eagerly wanted to grasp it, but was afraid that it was nothing but the moon in the mirror.

In just that moment, Yan Lingyi felt that she had been ups and downs between heaven and **** several times.

Until Lu Hualiang's voice came from the phone, "Xia Weibao is your daughter."

The world is suddenly quiet, and all sounds are gone.

"Aunt, what's wrong with you, aunt."

Seeing Yan Lingyi's expression, Yan Fei suddenly became a little worried.

He couldn't hear what Lu Hualiang said, but Yan Lingyi's expression made him flustered.

Yan Lingyi turned her head dumbly, her eyes dull and seemingly filled with thoughts.

She looked at Yan Fei, her mouth opened, "Xia Weibao, it's my daughter..."

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