Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1264: Seriously injured

That time Emperor Xia Liang marched and fought, and she was not allowed to follow.

She ran away secretly by herself, and scolded when he found out.

That was the first time he scolded her. She felt wronged, so she ran away alone.

Encountered an enemy drill, standing alone among 100,000 enemy troops.

Besieged the city, surrounded by danger.

What a familiar scene.

Only then, she had a piano in her hand.

And now, unarmed.

Xia Weibao tilted her head. She saw a post on the Internet before.

Some people say that the ancient martial arts is a masterpiece, can fly over the wall and squeeze the flowers into a blade, and even the martial arts masters can even talk and laugh at the wind.

Invincible and omnipotent.

Then ask questions, if a martial arts master encounters the current hot weapon, what will happen.

The replies below are varied.

Some people say that they were sieved by guns.

Some people say it was bombarded with explosives.

Some people say that they were caught for research without a chance.

The left is just one meaning, death!

Times are changing, the era of cold weapons has passed, and martial arts skills are already behind.

In the modern era dominated by heat weapons, no matter how powerful ancient masters are, there is only one dead word.

Empress Empress felt that she was going to try today, Gu Wu would definitely die if he encountered a hot weapon!

At least from the previous confrontation, she did not lose.

Tang Hu came up from behind the crowd.

Seeing Xia Weibao's stunning face, there was an instant surprise.

What followed was madness.

This woman is definitely not an ordinary person.

Judging from what she did just now, it is very likely that she is the same person as the boss of Nan Yi.

Such a beautiful woman is so perverted, if it can be handed over to the boss of Nan Yi, then his future will be unlimited!

Even if you don't send it up, selling it to others for research is a sky-high price!

There was a greedy light in his eyes, "Don't shoot, stay alive, you guys go and take her down."

As Tang Hu's words fell, six men pointed their guns at Xia Weibao and approached her vigilantly.

In their opinion, Xia Weibao was already a turtle in the urn and couldn't escape.

Unless it is a god, it is absolutely impossible to escape from so many gunpoints.

Xia Weibao didn't move, and seemed to have been scared to admit his fate, and had no intention of resisting.

However, when the six men walked one meter away from her, she suddenly moved.

The people around only saw a dark shadow passing by, and she was already standing behind the six.

And those six people all had round eyes and gurgling sounds in their throats.

Then fell slowly.

Everyone has a silky bloodstain on their throat.

See the blood seal the throat!

Xia Weibao, standing in the open space, with two sharp daggers in his hands, stood beside the six corpses, as if possessed by a killing god.

This is the knife she drew from the waist of two of the men.

It's pretty easy to use.

Tang Hu was frightened by this scene, where is there any mentality to catch him alive.

This woman is a devil, not a human at all!

"Shoot and kill her for me!"

Bang bang bang...

There was another rain of bullets and bullets, Xia Weibao wanted to hide, but just too much physical effort, coupled with the loss of blood from the injury on the shoulder, the movement was much slower.

The bullets are so dense that it is impossible to avoid them.

She raised her hands above her head, and then drew down to the sides, all the internal force formed a layer of protection around her.

The air became violent due to the oppression of the powerful internal force, and ran wildly.

There is no wind in the hair, and the demon dances wildly behind him.

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