Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1266: Let's pick up the lady

All the people in the circle in front fell to the ground.

After the terrible energy subsided, Xia Weibao, who was knocked to the ground, passed out to death.

Covered with blood.

Tang Hu breathed a sigh of relief and finally died.

He took the gun at Xia Weibao and walked over slowly, trying to confirm if she was really dead.

If you haven't died, make up a few more shots.

Just when he was about to walk to Xia Weibao's side.

Suddenly the sound of warplanes hovering over my head.

Tang Hu suddenly raised his head, what's going on, where is the fighter!

And still three!

"Second master, we are surrounded!"

The panicked voice of his subordinates came, and Tang Hu's expression suddenly changed.

"Who surrounded by."

"I don't know, it looks like an army."

Tang Hu whispered a curse, what they fear most is the army!

However, Tangzhuang has a close relationship with the government of State L, and there is an agreement in private. Who dares to send troops to encircle them!

"It's not from country L, it seems to be a colonial army."

"Damn it!" Tang Hu scolded his mother with anger!

Colonial army, the army of the United Nations Secretary-General Yan Lingyi.

In the early years, the colony of a country had been squeezed. The local residents were primitive and backward barbarians. They had brute force but no weapons. They were enslaved miserably.

In the end, the barbarians were forced to revolt, and several wars broke out with the slave owners.

Without weapons, no matter how arrogant he is, he can't beat a bullet, causing countless casualties.

Yan Lingyi, who has always believed in human rights, can't get used to this kind of behavior. Now there are colonies in this society, which makes her very dissatisfied.

Intervening in this matter with decisive and neat political means, finally persuaded that country and the barbarians to reach an agreement.

The barbarians paid a huge price to "redempt themselves" for themselves.

In the end, the money was borne by Yan Lingyi.

The colony was liberated, and everyone was grateful to Yan Lingyi and followed her.

It took Yan Lingyi a year to turn those barbarians into an extremely powerful army!

Called the colonial army, they recorded their past hardships and made them remember Yan Lingyi's kindness.

The colonial army had no culture, no legal awareness, and a brute force, so they had no law in their eyes, only strict orders.

Yan Lingyi provided them with the most advanced weapons, and no one could dare to move them.

It is precisely because of the existence of this colonial army that Yan Lingyi can gain a foothold on the international political stage, and no one dares to provoke!

But I don't want to, this terrifying army actually surrounded Tangzhuang today!

Tang Huhan was raining, not knowing where he had offended these people.

At this moment, there was a loud blasting sound from the manor wall.

All the walls exploded and the dust was flying.

When the smoke calmed down, thousands of colonial troops were exposed.

Each expression was solemn, and a row of people in front directed a high-speed magnetic gun at them.

Tang Hu was so frightened that his legs became weak, Yan Lingyi really had a lot of money!

Magnetic wave guns, they only have one in Tangzhuang, and the colonial army has one!

There are three more fighter threats above your head!

Regardless of the number of people or weapons and equipment, Tangzhuang has been crushed!

Tang Hu looked at the colonial leader like a dish, "Dalu, I don't know where Tangzhuang provokes you."

Dalu is a burly figure, dark complexion, and his rough and rough speech is frightening.

"Let's pick up the lady."

"Little...Miss?" Tang Hu stuttered a little, not knowing why.

They don't have any colonial army girls here.

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