Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1269: Bloodbath Tangzhuang

"After you treat the aftermath, I will send the young lady to the hospital, and you will keep up with protection.

As Zhang Bing said, he carefully picked up Xia Weibao.

Seeing Dalu and the others staring at him with big eyes and small eyes, Zhang Bing was annoyed, "What's the matter with you, Madam Ling Yi asked you to come and save people, what fingers count here!"

"She's a young lady? But the clothes are different from the photos."

The person behind agreed, "Yes, the face is different, there is no dust and blood on the face of the lady, and the height is different, the lady is only as long as my fingers."

Zhang Bing, "..."

This IQ is so **** touching!

Fortunately, the master arranged for them to come in disguised as a colonial army.

As soon as the infrared defense was lifted, he sneaked into Tangzhuang and controlled all insiders.

Otherwise, based on the IQ of these people, Xia Weibao probably was not killed or dragged to death!

"Where is your strategist!"

Yan Lingyi clearly arranged people to lead these barbarians. Where did they die!

Dalu pointed to the top of his head, "Flying a plane."

Zhang Bing, "..."

Don't want to talk anymore.

Let Dalu and others stay and control Tangzhuang, and everything will be dealt with after Yan Lingyi and Yan Fei arrive.

He quickly rushed to the nearest hospital with Xia Weibao.

When Zhai En and others arrived, they happened to see Zhang Bing leaving with a man covered in blood.

He glanced at Tangzhuang's direction and frowned, Colonial Army?

Why is this army here?

Now is not the time to explore these, saving Xia Weibao is important.

He didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend who took Xia Weibao away, so he could only follow behind him secretly.

It was not until Zhang Bing sent Xia Weibao to the hospital that Zhai En felt relieved.

It turned out to be to save people.

Xia Weibao was sent into the operating room. Zhai En left a few people behind to guard him. If those people were to save Xia Weibao, just ignore it.

If they save Xia Weibao for another purpose, they will notify him to come.

After arranging everything, he hurried to another hospital, Zhong Shixia was still taking the bullets, he wanted to go back and guard.

When Yan Lingyi and Yan Fei arrived, they saw Dalu and others still counting their fingers, counting...

"What are you doing, miss."

Yan Lingyi's pale face was full of worry.

It took her two hours to come from the imperial city, so she notified Dalu and the others to come first to save people.

I'm afraid something will happen if it's too late.

However, the current situation is somewhat incomprehensible.

Daru's eyes lit up when she saw her coming, "Madam."

"Ouyang." Yan Lingyi was a little worried.

Dalu pointed his finger, "Military Division Ouyang is flying a plane."

Yan Lingyi inhaled in an instant, and Ouyang went to fly the plane, using the IQ of Dalu...


"Not found yet..."

Yan Lingyi's face turned white and almost fainted, Yan Fei hurriedly supported her.

The agents left by Zhang Bing really couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and told the story again.

Yan Lingyi glanced at the agents, and didn't ask much about why Lu Hualiang had so many influences in private.

Hurry to the hospital.

Xia Weibao has come out of the operating room.

The gunshot wounds on the body have been treated, and the trauma is the second, mainly internal injuries.

The doctor was sweating, and he had never seen anyone with such severe internal injuries, bleeding from his internal organs.

It is a blessing to be able to pick up a life.

Standing in the ward, Yan Lingyi looked at the bloodless **** the bed, heartbroken.

Heartache, self-blame, guilt.

She covered her mouth tightly, sobbing silently.

How could her daughter be so badly injured? Everyone in Tangzhuang deserves to die!

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