Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1287: Why heal

"Your birthday is in autumn, why is it related to summer?"

"How do I know, what the dean said is not what I said."

Xia Weibao really wanted to reward him with a roll of eyes.

Isn't it just a surname taken casually? As for asking so many questions.

What's wrong with the surname Xia? There are so many people surnamed Xia in this world, how nice it sounds.

Lu Hualiang stared at her.

Hong Qing just chose a surname for her at will, or is it not meaningful?

What is Hong Qing's identity...

"Wife, why do you know how to heal."

Xia Weibao's face froze, "I learned in my dream, I am a genius."

There is no way to explain this question.

Speaking out, he might treat her as a lunatic.


"Oh, are you annoying, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

After speaking, he turned and lay down, with his back facing him.

Lu Hualiang looked at her back, stretched out his hand to help her tuck the quilt, and turned around.

When I reached the door, Xia Weibao's voice came from behind, "Do you mind if I hide something from you."

Lu Hualiang did not look back, and was silent for two seconds.

"If you mean medical skills, I don't mind."

After finishing speaking, walked out with long legs.

The ink-colored eyes were so calm that it was frightening.

What he really cares about is the man in her heart.

Coming to Country L, Xia Weibao was not in a hurry to go to the studio, but went to see Zhong Shixia first.

She had sent someone to Zhong Shixia before, and she didn't know what was going on now.

To her surprise, Zhong Shixia recovered better than she thought.

They are all skin injuries, and they will be fine once they are cured.

Unlike her, internal injuries should be treated slowly.

Both of them have basically recovered and started filming the next day.

On the first day after entering the crew, the Queen Mother missed Hepburn so much.

Why, because this crew is from Zhai En's studio, and I will go to talk in bird language.

Can't understand a word.

Zhong Shixia and Zhai En were helping her translate the whole process.

So she couldn't get along with the crew.

Fortunately, they are all old dramas, even if the lines are the same as the ducks, they can quickly enter the drama.

After shooting all morning, Xia Weibao felt deeply that she was about to start learning foreign languages.

In the future, the development becomes wider and wider, so you can't let people be translators, right?

At lunchtime, Xia Weibao had eaten and sat aside to rest.

Does she hire a tutor or let Lu Hualiang teach her foreign languages?

Her husband is really good, and he can speak several languages.

When having a video conference, I often hear him speaking in different languages.

The emperor is so good, as a queen, she can't fall behind.

Just thinking about it, a staff member walked up to her and talked a lot.

Xia Weibao smiled awkwardly and politely throughout.

My heart is mmp.

What did you say?

Zhong Shixia came over, "He said, someone is looking for you."

"Who is looking for me."

Just after I asked, I saw a woman in a yellow dress approaching.

Xia Weibao's eyes lit up, "Mr. Xue, why are you here!"

She hasn't seen Zhuang Xuejun for a long time!

Zhuang Xuejun was also very happy, walked to Xia Weibao, hugged her, "Miss you so much."

"I miss you so much, why did you come here?"

Zhuang Xuejun shrugged, "I'm boring, I'm traveling everywhere, I happen to be here to play, and come to visit the class by the way, why, are you not welcome?"

"Welcome, of course welcome."

There are so many beauties, no one will refuse!

Zhuang Xuejun and Xia Weibao hugged for a long time, only to realize that Zhong Shixia, who was standing behind Xia Weibao, immediately beamed his eyes.

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