Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1292: Sick man of East Asia!

Zhai En whispered, "It's not because the country doesn't take it seriously."

Zhong Shixia kicked him, that's enough, dismantling so many sets.

Pure heart prevents Yan Lingyi from coming to Taiwan, right?

She thought for a while, "I think, the development of traditional culture, you can try the idol effect.

Think about it, a grandfather with white hair is teaching calligraphy. Given the disposition of those people, how many are they interested in?

But if it is replaced by a young and beautiful girl, if this girl is still a popular public figure, or if this girl has a strong appeal.

The driving effect is obviously different. "

After Zhong Shixia finished speaking, she looked at Xia Weibao on the side.

With positive energy, high popularity, strong appeal, and proficient in traditional culture, isn't there a ready-made one in front of you?

It's just that the person involved seems to be absent...

"Baby, what are you thinking?"

Xia Weibao looked up, "I was thinking that I was talking about a fight just now, and I digressed when I said it."

And also ran to the horizon!

She only cares about the arena matches now, is there a fight to watch?

Everyone, "..."

So we are talking about national affairs, are you thinking about fighting?

Xia Weibao is very innocent. She is not a person of this era, and she does not have deep feelings about the status quo they said.

There is even a sense of boredom that doesn't matter to you.

Maybe, she has not fully integrated into this country.

Turning to look at Yan Lingyi, "Mrs. Lingyi, later, did anyone challenge it, and what was the result?"

Meeting her curiosity eyes, Yan Lingyi's heart was upset.

The apex of the heart was shaking.

This feeling of answering for her daughter made her very satisfied.

"Someone is going to challenge. After all, this is about national shame. As long as people with a country in their hearts can't stand this humiliation!

Although ordinary people rarely practice martial arts, there are still martial arts enthusiasts.

Soldiers, folk martial arts lovers, Shaolin monks, etc., all went.

However, none of them are Bassoon's opponents.

Ba Song's boxing skills are indeed powerful. For half a month, martial arts masters from almost all parts of the country flew to the imperial city to challenge, but they all lost.

People in Country A have become more arrogant, even verbally insulting Chinese people as ‘sick men of East Asia’.

Later, Xiong Gang, the head of the Guwu Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to challenge him, defeated Ba Song, and mocked Ba Song severely.

Ba Song couldn't swallow this breath, saying that he was defeated because of the day-to-day challenge and lack of physical strength. Xiong Gang couldn't win.

Before we leave, we will come to China to take the stage again in a year. If someone beats him, he will admit that martial arts originated from China, otherwise we must admit that martial arts originated from Country A.

Next week will be one year. "

"Then let Xiong Gang go to fight." Xia Weibao puzzled.

If you can beat it once, you can beat it a second time.

Yan Lingyi was angry, "It was originally planned, this year Xiong Gang also worked hard to improve his strength.

But Ba Song was too insidious. He was afraid he could not beat Xiong Gang, so he came to China secretly a few days ago and brought a bunch of people to block Xiong Gang.

His idea was to beat the bear to serious injuries in advance, and if he couldn't beat him alone, he would fight in a group. "

Xia Weibao was stunned, what a villain!

"So, Xiong just got hurt?"

"The injury was very serious, the leg was broken, and the internal organs were bleeding. The most frightening thing is that his injury was beaten by Bassoon alone.

In other words, the strength of Basong is now growing by leaps and bounds. "

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