Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1299: Tai Chi Master

Xia Weibao said, and glanced at the crowd.

I found that many people looked solemn and suppressed their anger.

They seem to be observing, trying to figure out the ways of these boxers.

After losing a few more games, the boxers in country A have been whispering lazily, without even looking at them.

This frivolous and arrogant attitude made all the Chinese people present raged and indignant.

However, no matter how unconvinced they are, they can't change the fact that they have lost more than a dozen games in a row.

Just when everyone was a little frustrated, an old man stepped onto the stage steadily.

His hair is a bit gray, but he is full of energy, his eyes are like torches, and his sound is like a dragon bell.

There is a kind of return to innocence, really detached.

The moment the old man took the stage, the audience who had been in a downturn suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

"Oh my God, it's Master Zhou Nan!"

"The master is here, go!"

"Damn! Master Zhou Nan is here too, these turtle grandsons of country A are dead!"

"That is, dare to provoke me Huaxia Wushu, Master Zhou Nan will give him some color to see and let them know what is awesome..."

Lu Huashan clasped her hands tightly, pressed her chin, and bounced excitedly.

"Unexpectedly, it was Master Zhou Nan, great!"

Xia Weibao was a little at a loss, "Who is Master Zhou Nan?"

"You don't know?" Lu Huashan was shocked, as if Xia Weibao didn't know that Master Zhou Nan was a sin.

Xia Weibao shook his head, "A bit familiar, but I can't remember..."

"Master Zhou Nan, Tai Chi Master! He has practiced Tai Chi for nearly forty years, and it can be said that his attainments in Tai Chi have reached the point of extraordinary achievement!

When I was young, I used Taijiquan in the World Martial Arts Competition and won the championship in one fell swoop!

my idol!

Oh, by the way, the last champion of country A was the defeat of Master Zhou Nan! "

Lu Huashan blushed, completely incarnate as a little fan.

Xia Weibao's mouth opened, this old man, is that amazing?

She observed the old man's spirit and spirit, it was indeed introverted and deep, with a kind of bottomless vigor.

He is in his sixties and seventies, but he is agile and steady, a master!

Master Zhou Nan played in person, and everyone was flushed with excitement.

Amidst the applause, the boxers in country A also sat up straight, no longer being as silly as they were just now.

Even Basong got serious.

Zhou Nan's reputation is almost unknown in the boxing circle of Country A.

The reason is that he once challenged the previous boxing champion and defeated in public!

It's just that the old man is over 60 years old this year, right?

A handful of old bones do not retire, come out to join in the fun!

Ba Song's eyes sank. Zhou Nan once defeated the boxing champion of country A. This place must be found!

He looked at the three direct disciples behind him, and clicked one at random, "You will meet him."

The disciple nodded with understanding, then took out his boxing gloves and put them on.

Stepping onto the ring, the two boxing gloves collided a few times, making a dull impact.

A whistle sounded and the game started.

The disciple Ba Song had fierce eyes, and his body was like a tiger about to move. It seemed that he could not restrain the fierceness in his body, and would rush to beat people at any time!

Bang bang--

The two gloves collided forcefully twice, and the disciple Ba Song twisted his head left and right, and his neck made a clicking sound.

The big muscles on the body are full of violence, which is frightening.

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