Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1303: Count your fingers...


Sorry, people rely on brute force, not speed.

Temporary blank head and loss of thinking ability?

Hehe, it seems like Daru would think before.

Xia Weibao didn't know what to say, it didn't open IQ, and it wasn't all bad...


Disciple Basong punched him, and Dalu stretched out his hand and caught the punch abruptly.

We don't have any abilities, but we have enough strength!

Connected a few punches, nothing fart.

Disciple Ba Song was shocked, how could it be possible!

There was a medicine in his gloves, how could this wooden man be all right!

The disciple Ba Song didn't believe in evil, and beat several punches, but they were all taken.

Bassoon leaned forward, his eyes filled with disbelief.

What's the matter, that pair of gloves is not medicined?

"How are you all right!" Disciple Ba Song was surprised.

Daru grinned, "I want something."

"How many punches have you received from me, how could it be okay!" Disciple Ba Song's eyes were fierce.

Dalu was startled, "How many punches? I don't know."

Then he retracted his hand and started counting his fingers.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

Everyone, "..."

They all had hope when they saw that Daru was so fierce and able to receive a dozen punches with his bare hands.

But not wanting, this guy suddenly counts his fingers!

Nima is sick! For the game, count your sister's fingers!

Xia Weibao covered his face.

Ouyang don't look away.

Did not see.

The disciples of Ba Song are all confused, is this person's brain pitted?

Seeing that Daru counted his fingers into his mind, he took the opportunity to sneak attack, punched people out of the ring, and won!

Everyone, "..."

Nima, this is the most inexplicable loss!

A few hairy fingers!

The most annoying thing is that after being pushed off the ring, the guy is still counting, still counting...

Ten fingers are not enough, and I borrowed fingers from the person next to me...

Bassoon checked the time. It has lasted for four hours and it's almost time.

So he put on his gloves and went on stage himself.

Condescendingly, "It's not a way to fight like this. Let's go together as much as you want."

The arrogant tone angered everyone and cursed.

However, no one went up.

After successive defeats, they have lost all confidence.

In such frustration, Ouyang stepped up.

Many of the people present knew Ouyang.

The colonial army’s divisions have first-class commanding ability and precise marksmanship, but their fighting skills are not the best.

The result of his going up...

Everyone is worried about him.

Xia Weibao's expression became darker and darker, Ouyang's boxing technique was not strong, and the victory was speed.

However, the most targeted medicine for Basong is speed...

Sure enough, at the beginning, Ouyang was able to avoid it quickly.

But after a few tricks, it was a little overwhelming.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Ba Song who was too fierce, and he couldn't stand it.

Xia Weibao knew that he had been treated with Chinese medicine, and he couldn't avoid it at all!

What she didn't understand most was that Ouyang was beaten several times, but he still stood firm and did not fall.

Nor admit defeat.


Ba Song punched Ouyang's face, knocking out one of his teeth, and his chin was stained with blood.


Another fist hit his chest, and Ouyang spit out blood.

Xia Weibao almost couldn't help rushing forward!

However, this is a game and outsiders are not allowed to interfere.

"Ouyang, surrender!" Xiong Gang shouted.

The bloodshot eyes were full of resentment.

I hate him for playing Bassoon's way, now he can't play, otherwise he will definitely beat up these bastards!

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