Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1306: There is no madness, only madness!

Lu Huashan was worried, and she was dumbfounded when she heard what her brother said.

No, why doesn't she understand this?

"Brother, I mean the baby went to the ring, she is going to fight with the champion!"

There was silence for two seconds on the phone, and then a man's calm voice came, "When you ask her to go home, bring a durian."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Lu Huashan was left stunned.

On the ring, the five big and three thick men had already jumped up, and Xia Weibao gave him a sideways look.

Feng Qingyun gently teased the broken hair in his ear, "Let's go together, after all...everyone is crazy."

Everyone, "..."


This is crazy enough!

When most people say this, everyone is very busy after all, she is better, after all, everyone is crazy, it depends on who is more crazy!

As soon as these words came out, Ba Song's disciple instantly seemed to be trampled on his tail.

He struck Xia Weibao with his fist.

The strength is fierce, and the fists are vigorous.

Everyone in the audience held their breath.

The power of this fist is so terrifying, if it is hit, then the pretty face will be ruined.

Some timid girls have closed their eyes in fright, afraid to see the **** picture.

Just when everyone was in trepidation, Xia Weibao suddenly stretched out his hand, spread his five fingers, and grabbed the man's fist out of thin air.

Take...Catch it?

I go!

Is this the reincarnation of Hercules!

Such a small and beautiful hand actually caught a muscular man's fist like this!

Everyone was so shocked by this scene.

Even Ba Song was shocked. Is this woman a master of China?

But he was not worried. After all, they had powder in their gloves. In less than a minute, the woman would be able to learn Chinese medicine.

At that time, it's not just how they fight!

It's just a pity, such a beautiful woman.

Xia Weibao wanted to scrap this person with one kick, but she didn't do so.

Instead, he threw away the man's hand.

Take a step back, separate your feet left and right, pull your horse away and stabilize, slowly raising your weak boneless hands in front of you.

"A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to get advice from Master Zhou Nan. I learned Tai Chi for a year and a half. Although it is not as good as one or two of my teachers, it is more than enough to deal with your waste!

You take advantage of this to sneak attack on my mentor, this account is well settled! "

When the people in the square heard the words, they knew everything.

No wonder Master Zhou Nan was beaten just before he took a shot. It turned out to be a sneak attack!

Zhou Nan was stunned. He was very sure that he had never seen this female doll before, but she said this.

Is this redeeming his reputation?

I can’t help feeling a little bit moved in my heart, this girl doll is not simple, just by looking at the movements of Xingyun Liushui, you know that she has a lot of accomplishments in Tai Chi, and is deeper than him!


Such a talent has fallen in value and said he had been taught by him.

Suddenly, Zhou Nan felt mixed.

On the ring, the boxer looked fiercely and slammed Xia Weibao's head with a punch.

Xia Weibao shifted his feet and tilted his head to the side, seemingly slow, but cleverly avoided the man's offensive.

Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and the palm wind hit the man's stomach.

She moved very slowly, so slow that everyone could see how she made the punch.

However, when the seemingly limp punch hit the man's abdomen, it suddenly exploded with an overwhelming momentum.

Shoot people out with one palm!

With a bang, countless dust was thrown on the ground.

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