Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1314: Who can understand the sadness of his wife being robbed?

"Seeing you fighting, it's handsome, I'm almost bent by you!" Zhong Shixia's eyes were more enthusiastic than seeing her husband.

Zhuang Xuejun smiled, "Baby, you were so relieved that you played yesterday!"

Thinking of those people in country A being thrown out in a desperate way, she felt very relieved!

"By the way, you did the right thing this time. Now the popularity has crushed all the domestic stars. Weibo fans have increased by 5 million from yesterday to now!

I received a lot of script offers this morning, but I didn't agree with them. I think you are mainly focusing on the development of foreign countries, while the domestic ones can be slowed down.

"A Generation of Pets" has been finalized, just half a month later, and the promotion will begin in a few days.

Director Xu said that after the movie is broadcast, watch the audience's reaction, and then determine when the second film will start.

I think within this year, you will only pick up this domestic movie..."

Zhuang Xuejun said the work plan methodically, Xia Weibao said, "I haven't lost any fans?"

"Why are you dropping followers." Zhuang Xuejun was puzzled.

"I fought in public yesterday, no one scolded?"

Zhong Shixia was very speechless, "You are stupid, you beat those people from country A yesterday, but you won glory for the country, and the national channel named you and praised you. This is the first time the national channel has named an artist to praise.

And Mrs. Lingyi and Mr. President, both praise you.

Now the hot searches on Weibo are all you, even foreign media are reporting, how could it be possible to lose followers. "

Xia Weibao was taken aback, then quickly clicked on Weibo.

Damn it!

It really is!

All the headlines are hers. I have scanned them roughly. Everyone is concerned about her defeating Bassong and talking about her martial arts. No one mentioned the sentence she said to your mother.

Empress Empress smiled, alas, there are so many harems all at once, so why are there rain and dew.

I swiped on Weibo and thought about whether to post a selfie to restore my image.

Although everyone praises her for being handsome now, she is a person who is determined to be a lady!

It is natural to fight for the image to be restored.

"Xuejun, come and take a picture for me, remember to take me softly."

As Xia Weibao said, he brought the script, "How about my gesture of reading a book? Does it look like a lady with a poem and a poem?"

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

"..." Zhong Shixia, "Why do you want to shoot like a lady?"

She discovered that Xia Weibao was really obsessed with ladies.

Xia Weibao was stunned when asked, yes, why must she be a lady.

As if subconsciously, she felt that she should be a lady.

After pondering for a long time, "I think I am more like a lady."

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Zhong Shixia, "..."

This is the least self-aware person she has ever seen, no one!

When Xia Weibao was struggling with how to shoot to look like a lady, there was a noise outside.

The door of the lounge was pushed open, and Zhai En walked in with three people.

A middle-aged burly man headed by tigers and tigers is alive and powerful, provided that he ignores the leg in plaster.

Behind the middle-aged strong man, followed by two equally strong men, in their early thirties, with dark skin, at first glance they were practicing family.

"Xia Weibao, someone is looking for you." Zhai En said with a calm face.

When she saw the water glass in Zhong Shixia's hand, her face became even more ugly.

This is his wife, his!

Now it has been robbed. Who can understand this sadness?

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