Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1327: It's been a long time, the feeling of hitting a stone

"My wife, didn't you want to open a medical clinic before? Those audits have been approved."

"Really?" Xia Weibao's eyes lit up, and then shook his head, "Forget it, I'm so busy now, how can I open a medical clinic."

In contrast, she prefers to go to the Furububu, there are so many people, and she can beat it casually!

Mr. Lu felt bitter and regretted why she had prevented her from opening a medical clinic.

How nice it is to open a medical clinic, she doesn't have to go to work or travel around.

Where is it like now, if he lets her play outside, he doesn't know how many times he can see her a month!

"You can withdraw from the Sinology Association!"

"No, I really like the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Besides, didn't you like me to open a medical clinic before? You are not allowed to touch medical skills. I also listen to you husband."

President Lu, "..."

It’s been a long time since I felt this way.

"My wife, I don't think your dreams should be constrained, so I decided to help you get the medical hall certificate personally. I will also be responsible for the medical hall staff. What do you think."

"But my dream now is to promote Chinese martial arts."

Don’t get me wrong, the empress’s dream is very high-end and high-end. Promoting Chinese martial arts and winning glory for the country is definitely not looking for opportunities to fight.

Are our women the kind of people who like to fight, aren't they.

It used to be self-defense, but now promoting martial arts is definitely not fighting!

Lu Hualiang regrets that his intestines are all green, "My wife, your dream should be greater, to heal people and heal the wounded!

Have you forgotten your previous benevolent heart, a medical skill does not save people, it is wasted, don't you feel regretful? "

Xia Weibao hesitated, "It seems to make sense...but didn't you say that it is dangerous to be known that I have medical skills."

At this time, where did Mr. Lu remember what he said before, he only knew that his wife was about to be robbed!

Righteously said, "Before I was too selfish. I shouldn't care about you. You can continue to open the hospital. Just show your face as before. As for other things, I will solve it."

Anyway, someone has given her back, so what are you afraid of.

Xia Weibao finally nodded, "Okay, I will continue to open the clinic, you can help me to get the documents in order, as for the staff, I will use the old ones."

Lu Hualiang breathed a sigh of relief, "I listen to you, the Chinese Studies Association, you can make a call now and quit."

"Why do you want to retire?" the Queen Empress asked.

"Aren't you going to continue to open the hospital?"

"Yes, but there is no conflict between opening a medical clinic and joining the Furutake Department.

Anyway, I don’t need to guard the medical hall. If you have a patient, just take the time to see it. At most, you can be busy. "

Lu Hualiang, "..."

It's been a long time, the feeling of throwing a rock to the foot...

Xia Weibao yawned, "So sleepy, I have to get up early tomorrow and go to bed first."

"My wife, don't you really think about quitting the Sinology Association."

"No retreat, I like it."

"Then the medical hall can't be opened?"

"Come on, didn't you let me drive."

"..." Lu Hualiang, "...wife..."

"Go to sleep, husband, I'm so sleepy."

President Lu's crisis awareness rose straight up.

He knew it!

Once she was exposed to the outside world, she couldn't control it anymore!

Her heart was not on him, which made him very disturbed.

For her, he never felt safe.

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