Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1330: Oh, Mr. Lu is here

Xia Weibao wanted to refuse, but Long Xuanye did not give her a chance to refuse.

The green jade flute was placed on his lips, and the melodious sound of the flute had flowed out from between his scarlet lips.

He did not say what song it was, nor did he ask Xia Weibao if it would be.

Because he knew that she would.

Xia Weibao frowned, what kind of tune is this.

Why hasn't she heard of it before.

However, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The moment I heard the sound of the flute, there was a certain feeling in my body that I was about to move, and my hand was unexpectedly raised.

Familiar dance steps continued to appear in his mind, and his body jumped naturally.

His body is light, his dance steps are fluttering, his hands are like catkins.

The movements are smooth and flowing.

Her classical dance is pretty good at first, and the foundation is very good.

The figure is perfect, with high flexibility and gentle stepping on the green grass, light and smart like a dancing butterfly.

The grass grows and the warbler flies, the running water dingdong, the wild flowers bloom, and the swallows fly south.

The scenery by the river in spring is so beautiful, but it is not as good as her.

It is a kind of beauty that blends with nature and penetrates into people's hearts.

Long Xuanye looked at the woman dancing for him in front of him, feeling like a dream.

All this is so familiar, just like in the past, he played flute, she danced.

She was obviously his, how could she be robbed!

"She dances really well."

Yang Yilian stood across the river and sighed sincerely.

Although she has watched Xia Weibao's dancing video, she knows that Xia Weibao's ancient dance level is very high.

But there is no shock from the live version!

I just passed by accidentally, but didn't want to see this scene.

Yang Yilian is lost in thought. If Xia Weibao can participate in the International Dance Competition next month, he will definitely win the championship!

Behind her, two women followed.

Standing on the right is the well-maintained and radiant vice minister of the ancient dance club, Xu Fengxu.

At this time, Xu Fengxu watched Yang Yilian's expression with some worry. The international dance competition is just around the corner. Don't make a temporary change!

This opportunity must belong to her daughter Song Shuiling!

Song Shuiling stood at the left rear of Yang Yilian, tall, thin and graceful, with a beautiful face.

The dancers are very good in body and temperament.

As the most outstanding dancing genius among the young generation of the ancient dance club, Song Shuiling is excellent regardless of appearance and temperament.

Even if it is placed in the beauty-like entertainment circle, it can kill a non-film in seconds!

However, when she saw Xia Weibao dancing, she was a little flustered.

More, it is jealous!

Especially Long Xuanye's eyes when looking at Xia Weibao, that kind of tenderness and admiration was something she had pursued for many years but couldn't ask for it!

Long Xuanye, this handsome man, is the best among all men she has ever seen.

Her suitor is like the crucian carp who crosses the river, but no one can match Long Xuanye!

However, this man looked kind and smiled at everyone.

But she knew that it was just his disguise, and his heart was cold.

He smiles at everyone, but you can't feel it.

At this time, he looked at Xia Weibao's smile, but it was so gentle and true.

What does this look mean? Song Shuiling pinched his nails directly into his palm, jealous and frantic!

Xia Weibao was jumping into focus, and suddenly felt Dao's sharp gaze fall on him.

She stopped her dance steps and looked across the river.

His complexion changed suddenly.

I saw three women standing across the river. This is not the point, the point is.

Behind them is Lu Hualiang...

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