Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1333: Mr. Lu's vinegar sea churning 3

Xia Weibao, who was sitting on the sofa, almost fell asleep. Hearing the sound, he immediately stood up.

Smiled at him, "Have you finished your work."

Lu Hualiang glanced at her indifferently, "Yes."

Such cold eyes made Xia Weibao very uncomfortable.

She stood by the sofa, feeling a little at a loss.

And Lu Hualiang turned around to get his clothes.

Xia Weibao followed him, "Did you go to the Sinology Association to find me this afternoon?"


"Why did you leave without waiting for me?"

Lu Hualiang paused with his clothes hand, the corners of his mouth were somewhat ironic, and his eyes became colder.

"No, do you want to stay and watch you and other men kiss me and me."

Xia Weibao's heart was stabbed and felt very uncomfortable.

"Where did I kiss me with other men!"

Lu Hualiang turned around and looked at her condescendingly.

He is very tall, nearly a head taller than her, and coupled with a strong aura, when the two face each other, they seem to be looking down.

In the splashed ink pupils, undercurrents surged, "Who is he."

"His name is Long Xuanye and he is a senior from the folk music club. We only met by chance today. It happened that he was playing flute, and I can dance again, so I just accompany him. Don't think too much."

"I think too much?"

Lu Hualiang felt very ironic.

At the scene at that time, Long Xuanye looked at her gaze, and the two cooperated in a tacit understanding, the atmosphere where there were only two of them in the world, and no one could get in, did he think too much.

"It's really just a chance encounter, I don't know him well." Xia Weibao emphasized.

"Unfamiliar? If you are unfamiliar, he can look at you with his lover's eyes, and if you are unfamiliar, you can dance for him with the spirit. If you are familiar, do you want to roll on the bed?"

"Lu Hualiang!" Xia Weibao's expression changed.

The eyes were red instantly.

How could he say that to her, do you know how hurtful this sentence is!

Lu Hualiang's heart was pricked hard, it was just an angry word, and he regretted it as soon as he said it.

However, what was said could not be collected.

Seeing her red eyes when she was wronged, he only felt that his heart was gripped severely, and it was very uncomfortable.

But, thinking of the scene I saw today, all my heartache was suppressed by anger.

"What is your relationship with him."

"It's ok."

"Is he... the person in your heart."

When he asked this sentence, his whole body was dimmed, his vitality seemed to be taken away in half.

The heartache is too spread.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xia Weibao was shocked, "Apart from you, there is no one else in my heart!"

Lu Hualiang took a deep breath and suppressed the torn pain in his heart.

Perhaps, she herself didn't know how intoxicated her expression was when she danced by the river.

The soft light on her face is the soft light that a girl can only have when she is in love.

Long Xuanye looked at her eyes, obsessed, gentle, pampered, and happy.

He plays flute, she dances, and the coordination is perfect, if it is not for the lover in love, how could there be such a sweet and ambiguous atmosphere.

Lu Hua's heart is like a knife, "He who sent you back that night, right?"

Xia Weibao opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to refute.

Because this is a fact.

The corner of Lu Hua's mouth ridiculed himself, "Why did he go to the folk music club at the gathering of your ancient military club?

Also send you back. "

"The minister said that he happened to be there during the dinner, so he went together. As for sending me back, he asked for it."

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