Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1341: Today is the wedding anniversary

Xia Weibao was startled, "Didn't he go on a business trip."

"Mr. is back today, he is looking for you."

"Look for me?" Xia Weibao pointed to his nose, "No."

Why did he look for her? Didn't he run away? Isn't it a cold war?

Fubo wondered, "Yes, today is your first anniversary of your wedding, and your husband came back to accompany you specially. I thought you would come back very late."

After all, on such an important day, I must go on a date.

"Wedding anniversary?"

Xia Weibao opened her mouth slightly, "Why don't I know."

After thinking about it, there is no such memory.

The original owner was still crazy when he was brought back by Lu Hualiang.

At that time, Lu Hualiang didn't like her and didn't even see her face to face.

Yang Li told the original owner about the marriage certificate.

Xia Weibao scratched his hair with some chagrin.

"Mr. wants to give you a surprise, not let us say, he arranged a show tonight, originally wanted to go to the movie premiere with you, and then have dinner together.

By the way, sir and you bought the same show, I thought you would meet it. "Fu Bo was a little sorry.

Xia Weibao was struck by lightning.

No wonder, when she was in the movie theater, she felt a line of sight kept falling on her.

It's just that it's dim and there are so many people.

She didn't notice the danger, so she didn't care.

Think now...

Xia Weibao's complexion changed, and bit her lip in annoyance.

In other words, Lu Hualiang saw Long Xuanye sitting next to her and helping her when he came out.

Stomped guiltily, why didn't you call her since she was there.

Is it interesting to hide from the sidelines.

Back in the room, looking at the empty room, loneliness came to my heart.

It's been a long time and I haven't felt lonely.

When I first crossed over, I often felt this kind of rootless duckweed.

But since she knew that Lu Hualiang was the emperor of Xia Liang, she seldom felt lonely.

Tonight, the feeling of loneliness is stronger than ever.

Take out the phone, hesitating to call him.

After thinking for a while, let go.

Now that I have seen it, with his jealousy, he must be angry again now, and the phone call must be noisy again.

She saw it, she had a clear conscience, and she couldn't help it if he wanted to be jealous.

Besides, he was so excessive that night, and some of her injuries have not faded until now, so why should I forgive him.

I took the clothes to take a bath, but my heart couldn't settle down.

To her surprise, Lu Hualiang had already returned when she came out of the shower.

He was sitting on the sofa and said nothing.

He just turned his head when she opened the door.

The two of them collided with each other, and they were startled at the same time.

This was the first time I met after that night.

But in this case.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Xia Weibao pursed his lips and suddenly felt a little frightened when he saw his cold eyes.

Unconsciously pulled the neckline.

The watchful eyes and defensive movements made Lu Hualiang's heart stabbed.

She was afraid of him.

This recognition made his heart fall into hell.

Time passed by, he just watched calmly.

Xia Weibao felt a little embarrassed.

She wanted to apologize, but her pride did not allow her to show weakness.

Why should she apologize, she did nothing wrong.

Meeting Long Xuanye tonight was completely accidental, and it was not her deliberate arrangement.

And the one who should be most angry now, is she alright.

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