Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1343: Mr. Lu was kicked out of bed again

Especially when the man lay down and turned his back to her.

This made her feel uncomfortable.

I feel like I'm in the cold.

In the past, she was the only favorite of three thousand people, and she was the only one who put Xia Liangdi into the cold palace. Now this makes her very unhappy.

"Hey, are you asleep yet."

The man didn't respond, even his breathing was so soft that he didn't notice it.

Xia Weibao lay flat, looking up at the ceiling.

"I didn't know that today is the wedding anniversary. I didn't get the marriage certificate, and you never showed it to me."

After Xia Weibao finished speaking, after waiting for a while, the man still did not respond, as if he had fallen asleep.

But she knew that she must have not fallen asleep.

"Hey, I have already spoken to you, can you give me some reaction?"

Xia Weibao raised her foot and kicked the man's calf.

Still no response.

After waiting for a while, the man still didn't respond, and she was a little angry.

"Lu Hualiang, you have enough, do you still want to continue the cold war?"

Waited a few more minutes.

Xia Weibao, "..."

"Okay! There is a kind of you don't talk to me forever!"

A minute later, the man remained motionless.

Xia Weibao gave a cold snort of anger, turned over and turned his back to him.

I felt like my whole body was bitten by an ant, so I was uncomfortable. I even turned my body a few times, and all of them had very big movements.

The queen empress is typical at this time. I am not happy, so don't you want to sleep!

However, no matter how she turned it over, Lu Hualiang just didn't respond at all.

Turning over again and again dozens of times, she had the illusion that she was a salted fish, and then she was turned over to dry the fish...

""The Queen of My Favorite" was released today, I went to watch it."

Xia Weibao finished speaking and remained silent.

The man still did not speak, but his breathing became heavy.

Obviously angry.

She rolled her eyes to the sky, didn't she pretend to be asleep? Keep pretending.

"Listen to Uncle Fu, you also bought a ticket to see it, what do you think?"

In the silent room, only Xia Weibao's voice was very clear.

Can not wait for a long time to respond, can only continue to speak to the air.

"I went to watch with Zhuang Xuejun and the others. I didn't expect to meet Long Xuanye. It was an accident when I went down the stairs. When I came out of the cinema, I went to dinner with Xuejun and the others."

"Hey, I have explained, what do you want."

Seeing that he couldn't get a response after talking for a long time, Xia Weibao was also a little angry.

He raised his foot again and kicked in the direction of Lu Hualiang.

But don't want to...


A man weighing more than a hundred catties landed, even if he was spreading a heavy carpet, his noise was not small.

Xia Weibao was so scared that the carp stood up and sat up.


Unable to stop, kicked people out of bed...

Turning on the bedside lamp with a snap, he saw Lu Hualiang standing by the bed full of anger, breathing fire in his eyes.

The empress was a little guilty, her small body shrank into the quilt, her eyes flashing with a look that did not dare to look directly at the man's anger.

Can't stand the strong pressure, she said weakly, "I didn't mean it, who told you...ignore me."

She just saw that the previous kicks were not painful or itchy, and he didn't react at all, so she wanted to be stronger this time.

Who knew it would be big enough to...kick people out of bed...

The more I said it, the lower the sound was, and I finally retracted my head into the quilt like a tortoise.

Lu Hualiang stared at her coldly, then turned around, took the quilt in the cabinet, and slept on the sofa!

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