Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1355: Empress V587!

The fist was fierce, and the air seemed to be distorted by this earth-shattering punch.

With huge recoil, the two took a step back at the same time.

Xia Weibao's eyes were harsh, very different from the image of a lady in the past?


Fuck the lady, my old lady just wants to have a good time now!

With such a violent blow, she only felt a slight pain in her knuckles.

But it's not serious. After all, for the ancients, there is internal blessing, and this is nothing.

The man on the opposite side trembled his right hand twice and was a little numb.

A flash of shock flashed in his eyes, this woman...

Same as Summer!

There is an unknown power in him!

This aroused Nan Yi's fighting spirit and hatred.

The corner of the lips curled up with a touch of blood, and he bullied himself forward again, the sharp sword was unsheathed, extremely fierce!

The tiger came down the mountain, shaking the sky and the earth, and the whole forest trembles!

Xia Weibao's face sank, and he directly greeted him.

Close to the flesh, you come and me.

The speed of the two of them is very fast, shuttled back and forth in the woods, like ghosts and can not see clearly.

Left afterimages.

If someone passes by at this time, they will definitely mistakenly think that two ghosts are floating and start to **** off.

Bang bang bang--

The sound of fists and feet collided was dull and shocking. It was a force collision that exceeded the limit of the human body.

In just a few minutes, the two made dozens of moves.

In the end, Xia Weibao got a punch, and Nan Yi got a kick and separated.

The two resisted in court.

Xia Weibao looked at her hand. The woods in the early hours of the morning were very dark and could not see clearly.

I could only vaguely see that the knuckles were broken, and my hands were beaten to blue and purple.

Nan Yi's situation is not much better than her.

After fighting, she almost figured out Nan Yi's tricks.

This man has no internal power, but his body does not know what he has experienced, and he is strengthened to a terrifying point.

The main advantages are fast speed, strong strength and physical resistance.

If it weren't for knowing that this was not an ancient person, she would suspect that he had practiced the golden bell iron jersey.

Nima is so hard!

The beating made her fist hurt.

The corners of Xia Weibao's mouth slowly curled up, a ruthless color flashed in his eyes.

Now that you know the man's methods, you are not afraid.

The toes touched the ground lightly, and the body jumped up and landed on one of the big trees.

Nan Yi was shocked, is this woman a monster, she can actually fly!

Summer is great, but he can't fly.

Although puzzled, he didn't hesitate, thinking Xia Weibao wanted to escape, grabbing the tree pole with both hands, he quickly climbed up.

But I didn't want to climb halfway just now, when countless branches shot down from above.

Bringing Ling Li's sound of breaking through the sky, swish, swish, like a thousand arrows!

The branches were so dense that there was no way to escape, Nan Yi was forced to fall back to the ground.


Those branches pierced straight into the ground, like a sharp sword!



Nan Yi was so angry that he scolded his mother!

What frightened him even more was that after avoiding those branches, he found that his movements had slowed down.

There was a buzz in my head, something blank.

Immediately, there was a slight Lingli wind in the air.

He wanted to dodge, but he didn't want his limbs to be suddenly numb, unable to move, so he could only watch a silver needle pierce his body.

His eyes went dark and he fainted.

Xia Weibao fell to the ground lightly, and walked across her slender straight legs.

He lifted his foot and kicked the man's body, "This is just a lesson for you, don't fight with a genius doctor in the future, especially this genius doctor who is good at using poison."

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