Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1357: Nan Yi woke up, the most embarrassing in history!

Inside the genius medical hall, it was quiet.

No one has been here.

Xia Weibao breathed a sigh of relief, but was also a little bit lost.

It seems that all this is a trap, someone deliberately led her out.

It couldn't be more obvious who did all this, the man who just intercepted her halfway.

Who is he?

After coming to this world, she has always been low-key and has never provoke anyone. Why did that monster kill her?

Forget it, it's over anyway.

Just know that Lu Hualiang is fine.

But where is he, I really want to see him.

She also owed him an explanation.

Converging his mind, he put Long Xuanye on the hospital bed and used tools to help him deal with the wound.

That claw was too terrifying, and a piece of flesh was grabbed from Long Xuanye's shoulder. The bones were clearly visible, which was extremely hideous.

Xia Weibao frowned, feeling very heavy.

Put the tools and medicinal materials needed, then took off Long Xuanye's coat and began to treat the wound.

The wound is very deep, and if it is not treated well, it is likely to get worse.

It took almost an hour to bandage the wound, and Xia Weibao packed her things.

Then sit by the hospital bed.

Looking at the pale man on the bed, her shoulders collapsed.

Somewhat powerless.

What to do, the last thing she doesn't want to be involved is this man.

Because of him, there were so many conflicts between her and Lu Hualiang.

But now, Long Xuanye has suffered such a serious injury in order to save her, so how can she pay this debt of love in the future?

I scratched my hair irritably, my heart was frustrated!

I don’t know how to explain this to Lu Hualiang.

It was three or four o'clock in the morning, so many things happened in one night, and she was tired.

Sleepiness struck, and without knowing it, he fell asleep on the side of the bed.

What she didn't know was that after she fell asleep, the man who had been unconscious on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

In the night, the man's eyes looked at her with tenderness like water.

He raised his other hand, trying to touch her head.

However, when she was half a point away from her head, she stopped.

She is so alert that if she touches her, she might wake up.

Withdrawing his hand, looking at her side face, time seemed to go back in time, back to the day when the love began.


At that time, there were only two of them.

How wonderful.

"You are mine, only I can give you happiness."

Long Xuanye's eyes became more gentle, she will definitely return to his side, she will definitely!

Because the person who knows her best in this world is him.

He knew what kind of life she wanted, and he knew how to keep her.

Lu Hualiang didn't understand her at all and would only force her to do things she didn't want. How could she be happy?

In a small forest, Nan Yi was awake coldly.

The trees are so dark that even if it is dawn, the sun will hardly come in.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself curled up and lying on the ground, and he was only wearing a pair of pants...

Nan Yi suddenly turned over and sat up, closed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and opened it.

Very good, still wearing a pair of pants.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes again, and open them again after a while.


He really wore a pair of pants and lay in the woods all night!

The face that was so handsome that it did not look like a mortal was gorgeously black.

Angrily got up and strode out. When I came to the highway, I found many elderly people doing morning exercises.

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