Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1365: Order takeaway in prison

When she came last time, what she saw was not this group of policemen.

Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows. He didn't expect that the job of the police was not easy to mix. It was less than a year, and all of them were changed.

I don't know if I resigned or got fired.

Standing at the door of the cell, she hesitated.

For this place, she has a psychological shadow, a very, very heavy shadow!

I'm scared just thinking about it.

"Go in, what are you doing in a daze."

The police behind him gave her a push, and Xia Weibao twisted and refused to enter, and stopped talking.

"Hurry in." The police urged.

"Sir, do you... do you have food?"

She hasn't eaten breakfast yet.

It was the same last time. She came in without breakfast, and then she didn't have any meals. She was so hungry that she wanted to roast the spiders on the cell to eat!

Fortunately, Lu Hualiang came later, otherwise he would not starve to death!


This focus of attention, why is it so fresh and refined!

Push the person in, and then lock the door.

"Hey, you guys answered me, do you include meals? I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

No one responded, she could only sit in the cell and wait.

Counting the time every minute and every second, it was already noon, and no one came to deliver food yet.

Xia Weibao was so hungry that his stomach was grunting, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Walked to the cell door and shouted, "Hey, is there anyone, come and bring me food."

"Comrade police, it's time for dinner, I'm hungry."

"Uncle Police, when shall we have dinner..."

No one responded after calling for a long time. Xia Weibao was so angry that he didn't even serve meals!

No way, I can only order takeaway.

So she took out her phone and started ordering food.

"Baby, is that you."

A familiar voice came from the cell next to him, and Xia Weibao's eyebrows moved, "Mr. Yin?"

"It's really you!" Yin Mulan was a little surprised.

When Xia Weibao was caught in the morning, she faintly heard the voice, and she was a little suspicious.

But I was not sure, until Xia Weibao yelled so loudly.

"It's me, Teacher Yin, why have you been arrested too?"

Yin Mulan's voice was a little low, "Just like you, I was wronged."

Xia Weibao leaned against the wall, "Director Yang is really dead?"

"I don't know. I won't know the specifics until the lawyer comes."

"Oh, wait, Teacher Yin, have you eaten yet."

"not yet……"

Yin Mulan's voice was a little weak, obviously weak.

Xia Weibao had such an expression as expected, the police station was too picky!

Do you want to starve people to death by imprisoning people without food?

"I'm planning to order takeaway. Would you like to order one for you by the way?"

Yin Mulan, "..."

Calling takeaways in prison, and this kind of harassment?

"How do you order takeaway."

"Mobile phone, Meituan, are you hungry? A lot, what do you want to eat."

"No, I mean, where did you get your phone." Yin Mulan felt that her brain was not enough.

"Bought it in a specialty store, Teacher Yin, don't you have a mobile phone."

Xia Weibao opened a pair of **** eyes, she thought that people in this era have mobile phones.

Unexpectedly, there are people who don't use mobile phones. She seems to be a hipster!

At least one mobile phone!

"Your phone was not confiscated?" Yin Mulan was surprised.

"No, I kept it in my pocket, they didn't search."

Yin Mulan had no idea what to say.

The same is in jail, why are you so good.

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