Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1368: Roast mouse

At seven o'clock in the evening, when the police officer came to her cell door, he saw her squatting in the corner, clutching the tails of three mice, walking the mice...

The three mice seemed to have been subjected to some inhuman abuse, so scared that they pissed, their four hooves crawled out quickly.

I even have the heart to run away from the tail...

The corner of the police officer's eyes twitched, "..."

Xiu'er's mother, is that you Xiu'er's mother.

"Where did you get this mouse?"

The empress leaned her head weakly against the wall and sighed, "I'm so hungry, and I don't want to eat it raw, can you lend me a fire."

If you don’t have a suckling pig, you can also roast a mouse.

After speaking, I felt that the mouse in his hand was struggling harder, and Xia Weibao slapped it over.

"What do you run! Run and lose weight, want to starve this palace to death!"

At this moment, there was a squeak from the top of her head. She raised her head and looked at the billowing spider on the ceiling, "Don't worry, wait for you to roast it."

The spider was so scared that he ran to the cell next door.

police officer,"……"

Xiu'er her ancestor, is that you Xiu'er her ancestor.

"Come out, someone wants to see you."

"Who." Xia Weibao was listless.

"Say it's your boss, friend, and lawyer."

"Oh." It turned out to be Leng Yan and Xu Jiayang.

Xia Weibao waved his hand, "Tell them, I am in a bad mood today and don't want to see people."

The attitude of seeing off the guests made the police officer quite speechless.

Someone is coming to rescue you, not yet seen, fool.

The queen mother continued to walk the mouse, she had to wait for her husband to pick it up.

No one should ruin her opportunity to pretend to be a weak woman.

I lie down at night and can't sleep, my husband, why haven't you come to rescue me? The meal is over.

The smell of drugs suddenly came in the air, and her eyes darkened.

Turning his head, he saw the big chicken and the second chicken appear at the door of the cell, and slammed the door of the cell.

"Boss, we're here to save you."

Xia Weibao waved his hand, "You don't need to save it, you can go, I'm waiting for someone."

"Waiting for whom?" Daji puzzled.

"Wait for my husband, he knows that something is wrong with me, he will definitely come to rescue me."

Erji couldn't bear to hit her. Now the whole world is looking for Mr. Lu, but the man seems to be missing.

"Boss, you'd better go with us first, I'm afraid they will be against you."

Xia Weibao gave them a blank look, "Are you stupid? If I leave, I will abscond."

Daji and Erji looked at each other, as if they were really...

But absconding is better than waiting to die.

"You go and buy me a meal, bring some spicy bars and snacks, and then show me a mobile phone to play games. It's boring."

Daji felt that his boss was really a god, and he was so creative in jail.

Xia Weibao kept waiting, and did not wait to come to Lu Hualiang at noon the next day.

She was disappointed.

Is she really that angry? Regardless of her life or death.

At this time, the police officer came in again and saw her sitting on the bed cross-legged, playing games with her mobile phone in her hand, holding a spicy strip in her mouth, tearing a pile of snack packages next to her, and her eyes were numb.

Xiu'er, the founder of the mountain, is that you?

"Where did your phone come from?"

Xia Weibao didn't look up, "The mouse came in."

police officer,"……"

Forget it, one thing is worse than one thing less, anyway, this woman will be taken over tonight, as long as there is no accident during this period.

"Someone wants to see you."

Xia Weibao didn't look up, and continued to play the game. It was definitely not Lu Hualiang, he came in directly.

"Who is it this time?"

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