Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1372: I walked out of the harem

"Passing through such a remote grove at one o'clock in the morning, I happened to meet me and don't want to fight again, don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Long Xuanye's expression remained unchanged, "I just happened to pass by, so why not?"

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, "Okay, you just passed my letter. Nan Yi and I were fighting in the grove. You can understand when you hear the sound and take a look.

However, at the speed of Nan Yi and I, let alone seeing my face, it is estimated that it is difficult for two people to see clearly. How do you determine that the person is me? "

"At that time you rolled to the ground, I just saw it." Long Xuanye didn't rush.

Xia Weibao nodded, indicating that he could accept his statement.

"Yes, I hit the tree pole at the time, and then bounced and rolled to the ground. Then Nan Yi immediately launched an attack. At his speed, it took less than 0.01 second! Even I can't escape and can only carry it hard. How did he stand in front of me one step faster than him!"

After saying this, Xia Weibao's eyes were sharp, "Who are you!"

When the matter was exposed, Long Xuanye didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he raised his mouth without hurriedly, "I already walked to your side at the time. You were playing fiercely and didn't notice it. It didn't take much time to rush over. ."

"Impossible!" Xia Weibao disdained.

With her and Nan Yi's vigilance, it is impossible not to even notice someone approaching.

Long Xuanye must have rushed over at that instant.

Long Xuanye said, "Although it's a bit weird, it's not unexplainable."

"You are not surprised when you see my skill. There is a problem in itself."

The empress was sullen, this man refused to accept it.

"The world's great wonders."

"Then when I was talking on the phone with Lu Hualiang, you just showed up, so what's the explanation?"

Long Xuanye smiled bitterly, "I just woke up."

"Now, you know that helping me testify will cause a scandal and affect my relationship with Lu Hualiang, but you still found Xu Dao and Leng."

"I am the only one who can prove that you are not present. Is there anything wrong with trying to help you?"

"Alright." Xia Weibao didn't want to say more.

One time is a coincidence, two times is a coincidence, what about three times.

She didn't believe that there would be so many coincidences in this world.

There are too many coincidences, it is no longer a coincidence.

It's artificial!

Her eyes turned cold, this Long Xuanye had to guard against!

Long Xuanye looked at her with gloomy eyes.

"With your personality, it's not like someone who complicates things."

She used to be so innocent and straightforward, and she never understood those twists and turns.

A typical fight can solve the problem, why do you want to force it?

I would never think of this.

But why are you so careful now?

Long Xuanye was a little lost, she seemed to have changed a lot.

Xia Weibao's face was calm, "You can continue to the medical clinic to recover from your injuries, and my apprentice will take care of you until you heal. This is what I owe you. As for the certificate, you don't need it.

I'm tired, do this first. "

After speaking, put down the microphone and walk back.

She is a person with clear grudges.

Regardless of the true purpose, Long Xuanye's injury was caused by her, and she would heal it.

But the favor does not exist, she will not pay it back.

Thinking of Long Xuanye's words just now, Xia Weibao's eyes were slightly cold.

Yes, with her character, she won't complicate things, and won't make so many twists and turns.

But that was before entering the palace.

People will always change.

She has lived in the palace for so many years, although she doesn't have to fight for favor, but every day she watches the harem concubines fight you to death.

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