Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 139: Stabbed in the back

It was indeed a scandal, but it was another scandal, and Xia Weibao was scolded again to be exhausted.

Looking at the saliva on Weibo, Xia Weibao was expressionless.

When I went to the studio this morning, the props of the crew next door suddenly fell down, and she gave it a hand.

Then a male star ran up to thank her.

This was nothing at all, but the male celebrity knew the original owner, so I just chatted a few words.

With such a gap, it was captured by reporters and posted on Weibo.

A normal little thing, except that the relationship between Jiang Ming and Xia Weibao is a bit delicate, and now Jiang Ming has a very affectionate girlfriend, Lin Siqian, a young singer in the world.

Now it's interesting.

Jiang Ming looked good at the time, but he had no identity or background and couldn't even make his debut.

Because he studied kung fu in Shaolin Temple for a few years, he became a martial artist.

He and Xia Weibao knew each other precisely because of Xia Weibao's replacement.

Back then, Xia Weibao was diligent and studious. Seeing Jiang Ming had martial arts skills, she often asked him about martial arts movements.

After two visits, the two became familiar.

Seeing Xia Weibao's popularity, Jiang Ming spread the rumors that Xia Weibao appreciated his martial arts skills and took the opportunity to bundle CP.

Often do some ambiguous movements, arousing people's suspicion.

At that time, Xia Weibao was pure-hearted and didn't even think about that.

When there was a rumor, she explained that no one believed it.

Especially when she explained, Jiang Ming would post some clarifications on Weibo that seemed to be clarifying, but actually wanted to cover it up.

During that time, Xia Weibao was very annoying. There were too many explanations, and there was no silver three hundred taels here.

So she didn't care, anyway, there was no real hammer for this kind of thing, and it couldn't make any waves.

The matter of binding CP did not cause a storm, and it sank after a short while, not even the scandal.

However, Jiang Ming was known by countless people through her east wind, and gained considerable attention.

With martial arts skills and excellent appearance, he soon signed a contract to debut.

And through Xia Weibao, I met Lin Siqian, Xia Weibao's circle friend at the time.

Lin Siqian was also a young singer who had just debuted at the time, and the two of them **** with hype and quickly became popular!

Later Xia Weibao broke out in a scandal, and the two immediately broke off their relationship with her.

Not only that, Jiang Ming also revealed that, in fact, he and Lin Siqian had been together a long time ago, and Xia Weibao grabbed his girlfriend's boyfriend, so she seduce him everywhere.

But he sternly refused, not moved, only Lin Siqian in his heart.

Even though Lin Siqian is not as famous as Xia Weibao, it is the best girl he has ever seen.

Anyway, stepping on Xia Weibao's position.

Xia Weibao was notorious at that time, and anyone would believe anything that was to belittle her.

So Jiang Ming and Lin Siqian took advantage of the shareholder wind to rise up.

Both of them are developing very well now.

One is the popular little fresh meat, and the other is the singer queen.

She is also a recognized golden girl in the entertainment industry.

Recalling the past, Xia Weibao sneered again and again.

It seems that when she fell from the horse, she really benefited many people.

How many people stepped on her to succeed, Lin Mi'er, Jiang Ming, Lin Siqian, and a lot of people lined up behind.

Xia Weibao's eyes were a bit fierce. If Lin Mi'er was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, then Jiang Ming and Lin Siqian were stabbing in the back!

How close she was with Lin Siqian back then, but who ever thought that for fame and fortune, the so-called girlfriends would discredit her and steal her man!

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