Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1394: Afraid they will take you

Commonly known, to show off.

Xia Weibao got up humbly, stood by the bed, and stared at the man sitting on the sofa.

"Fuck, when did you come back!"

He covered his mouth suddenly, oh!

Why is she speaking foul language again.

Then he said softly, "Sorry, I made a mistake and try again. When did you come back?"


Lu Hualiang held the shelf and put on a picture that I am still angry. I came back not because of your expression.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Xia Weibao asked.

If Yang Li heard this question, he would definitely despise his master and correct Xia Weibao's statement.

What do you mean by coming back suddenly? I can't help it.

After staying in Loulan Villa for two days, I didn't know how many times I had circled the landing garden, and finally couldn't help it.

I saw the news on the Internet again, knowing that my wife is now the most troubled time, the heart and soul are flying back, and the body naturally rushes back.

However, this kind of thing, will President Lu say, of course not.

So he spoke very coldly, "I want to go out on business, come back to pack up and salute."

The empress was listless, "Oh."

Then, sullenly climbed onto the bed, the quilt was lifted and went back to sleep.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Does she really believe it?

Mind, did you forget to bring it out in prison?

He has just returned from a business trip, and the salute has not yet arrived home. Where does he need to clean up?

Just making an excuse, can't you tell me?

Seeing Xia Weibao really ignored him, Lu Hualiang sighed.

Go to the bed and lie down.

Did not speak.

After a while, Xia Weibao didn't move nor closed his eyes.

She put her hands under her head and looked at the front in a daze, obviously in a very bad mood.

Lu Hualiang wanted to stand in a stalemate, waiting for her to be soft.

However, after waiting, I found that I couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing her expression, my heart broke.

He leaned over and hugged her into his arms from behind through the quilt.

The chin touched her heart, and she rubbed it lightly, her voice low, "In a bad mood?"

The low voice overwhelmed Xia Weibao's irritability for so many days.

There seemed to be a protective shell in my heart, broken.

The most vulnerable side came out.

Hesitated and helpless.

This was the first time she didn't know how to make a decision after crossing over.

"My husband, I'm so annoying these days."

"Because of the Yan family?"

Xia Weibao suddenly had an urge to cry. This man really knew her best.

Before she said it, he guessed it.

Lu Hualiang grabbed her hand and gently rubbed her delicate palm. Both of them enjoyed the intimacy.

"Did you know that I am Yan Lingyi's biological daughter?" Xia Weibao asked.

"Yeah." He didn't deny it.

Xia Weibao was taken aback for a moment, as expected.

The person who should be confirmed first is Lu Hualiang.

Yan Lingyi knew from Lu Hualiang.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Afraid they will take you away."

Xia Weibao, "..."

I thought he would say sensational things like I don't want to embarrass you, but he didn't want to say such a sentence.

Very good, this is Lu Hualiang!

"Don't you want me to recognize them."

"No, I just want you to belong to me, but I respect your decision."

The empress felt that she couldn't talk anymore...

This man's possessiveness is really getting more and more terrifying.

It doesn't matter if you eat Long Xuanye's vinegar, eat all Yan Lingyi's.

That is family affection, which is different from love.

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