Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1396: I'm calling you 1

Right or wrong, this line is difficult to determine.

On the moral level, Yan Fei was wrong, grossly wrong.

However, people like them do not think about this.

Just like Xia Weibao entered the police station, he changed everyone inside to vent her anger.

In fact, most of the people in the police station are innocent, and they have no idea what happened.

However, few people comment on his right and wrong.

Because the person he was protecting was Xia Weibao, the treasure of everyone.

But Yan Fei was accused of all kinds of blame, simply because the person he hurt was Xia Weibao.

"Think for yourself."

Lu Hualiang finished speaking and got up to take a bath.

Leave space to her.

There are some things she can't figure out for herself, and it's useless to say more.

After taking a shower, thinking that Xia Weibao must be very distressed now, she needs more time to sort out her thoughts. ’

So he took another bath and left her alone.

However, when he came out of the bath, he found...she was asleep.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

The corner of his eyes twitched fiercely.

He was wrong, he thought she would continue to worry all night.

But I don't want to underestimate her self-regulation ability too much!

Helped her tuck the quilt, and then hugged the person in her arms.

Falling asleep so soon, it seems that a decision has been made.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Lu Hualiang was slightly lost.

Her troubles are resolved, then what about him.

Still a dead knot.

The man in her heart has become a pus thorn, burned in his heart, very painful.

However, even if he was unwilling to be a stand-in, he couldn't let go.

During the Cold War, it was me who tortured me.

She and Long Xuanye...

forget it.

If you can't let go, why pretend to be indifferent.

As long as she stays with him...

Xia Weibao hadn't slept well in the past two days, and now she was lying in a familiar embrace, very at ease.

Like a kitten, he drilled into his arms, very dependent.

Lu Hualiang hugged her and tightened his arms.


The soft whisper overflowed from her mouth, with a sweet arc at the corner of her mouth.

She seems to be having a sweet dream, so that she can laugh even when she is asleep.

Lu Hualiang's back suddenly stiffened.

I just said that this is good, and the bitter water will spread throughout my heart in the next second.

Xia Weibao got up late the next day.

When I woke up, the other bed was cold.

She reached out and touched where Lu Hualiang was sleeping, a little confused.

"Why no one?"

Didn't he come back because she missed him too much, so she had hallucinations?

Impossible, he clearly relieved her last night.

Sitting up, just about to go out to have a look, the door was pushed open.

A tall man in an off-white house uniform walked in.

The moment his eyes met, Xia Weibao smiled.

It's not an illusion, it's really him.

Lu Hualiang's heart kept sinking, who was she smiling at?

It's him or someone else.

"Husband." Xia Weibao reached out to the man.

Lu Hualiang came over, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up.

Xia Weibao threw himself into his arms, wrapped his hands around his waist, and leaned his head against his chest.

A sweet face.

"Why don't you call me when you get up."

"Let you sleep more."

"But I want to open my eyes and see you."

Lu Hualiang was silent and did not speak.

Xia Weibao leaned for a while, and suddenly said, "What happened last time? He left so suddenly."

Speaking of the incident, Lu Hualiang thought of the night Long Xuanye was with her.

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