Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1442: Mr. Lu, please control yourself

As soon as he took the shot, he felt a sharp line of sight fall on his neck.

It's like a knife against the throat.

Ling Chi's feeling...

Xu Jiayang trembled all over, subconsciously looking at the source of his sight.

When he saw the gloomy face of "Han Luoqi", he immediately took a breath.

"A real kiss." Lu Hualiang spit out two words coldly.

The strong desire to survive made Xu Jiayang sober up in an instant, "Okay, no problem, I will prepare now."

Then, oiled the soles of the feet and ran away!

Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand and touched Xia Weibao's head, "Does it hurt?"

He couldn't bear to beat someone, Xu Jiayang actually dared!

Xia Weibao glanced at him, "How can you be so squeamish."

Just a light tap, Xu Jiayang didn't really want to hit her.

Seeing someone passing by, Xia Weibao took a step back and pulled away.

"Get ready now."

It would not be good if they were caught so close.

Xu Jiayang ran to the place where there was no one, looked back vigilantly, and found that no one was following, which was relieved.

so close!

He took out his mobile phone and quickly called Han Luoqi.

The man's lazy voice came from the phone, and he didn't seem to wake up yet.

"Hey, Director Xu, what are you doing."

Xu Jiayang looked around like a thief, "Han Luoqi, where are you."

"I'm filming...on the set."

Han Luoqi woke up and got up from the bed.

Oops, I almost missed it.

If Xu Jiayang knew that he was lazy and took a nap at home, he would probably be killed!

"Are you on the set? Don't tell me that the person was you just now." He didn't believe it if he was killed!

Han Luoqi thought for a while, couldn't wear a gang, and said, "It's me, not who I am."

"It's Mr. Lu."

Han Luoqi, "..."

He touched his nose, "How did you know."

Xu Jiayang was speechless, he guessed it!

Lu Hualiang's aura that can freeze people into ice is too discerning.

And Xia Weibao dared to shoot the kiss scene directly, who else besides Lu Hualiang?

Xu Jiayang patted his chest with fear, and felt a little bit distressed when he thought of hitting Xia Weibao in Lu Hualiang's face just now.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

The afternoon scene is the bridal chamber, all indoors.

Knowing that the "Han Luoqi" at this time was pretended by Lu Hualiang, Xu Jiayang was up to 120,000 points.

In star filming, real kisses are actually very common, and the plot needs it.

But Xia Weibao is different. She is a wealthy young grandmother and cannot be married forever.

When the time comes, her identity will be made public. If there are any rumors, it will be bad for her reputation.

Therefore, even if it is a real kiss, Xu Jiayang will subconsciously protect her reputation.

Except for the necessary personnel, everyone else was emptied and was not allowed to watch.

He pays attention when editing, and it can be said to be a loan at that time.

Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang joined hands to remodel the bedroom that has been arranged, completely restoring the wedding night in the bridal chamber a thousand years ago.

Since the film is a movie and the duration is limited, many steps are omitted.

Jump directly to Lu Hualiang holding the hi pole and standing in front of the bed.

While the red candle was swaying, he gently picked up her hipa.

Against the background of red, the woman's face is Ruoxue.

Face like a peach blossom, infinitely shy.

As in the past, when he uncovered his hijab, he saw the person who made the red surrounding him lose its color.

Xia Weibao's eyes curled like autumn water, and she raised her head shyly, uh...

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