Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1446: Refusing to accept the prize, playing big cards

The awards of Star Night are not the same as those of the best actresses and actresses. Nominations are required and will be announced that night.

These character awards have been reviewed in advance, and the list is published on the Internet, and the party is only for awards.

After hearing Zhuang Xue's words, Xia Weibao was silent.

"Baby, baby? Are you still listening to me."

"Still." Xia Weibao's voice was a little cold, "Xue Jun, I will not participate in the star night tonight, nor will I receive these two awards."

"Ah? Why?" Zhuang Xuejun was puzzled.

"Because I am not worthy."

Xia Weibao finished speaking and hung up.

Zhuang Xuejun was left with a dazed expression.

Xia Weibao's refusal to attend the star night caused an uproar within Hongtu, and everyone was in a hurry.

Star Night is a feast for all Chinese stars. She is the only star to win two character awards. If she does not attend, she will definitely be said to be a big name!

The current Xia Weibao is too hot, and even a little turmoil will become someone else's talk. It is also a critical moment to enter Hollywood. You must not travel at this juncture!

However, no one was found.

After hanging up, Xia Weibao shut down.

Did not go to the studio, did not come to the company, and no one dared to arrest people in Luyuan.

No one can contact her.

Leng Yan was mad and slapped the table angrily, "What's the matter with Xia Weibao! Why didn't you attend for no apparent reason!"

Xu Jiayang was still calm and looked at Zhuang Xuejun with a sad face.

"What did she say?"

Zhuang Xuejun frowned, "Forget it, she won't participate if she doesn't."

In fact, she somewhat understood what Xia Weibao meant.

"What is she going crazy!" Leng Yan wanted to kill her!

"She said she was unworthy."

Leng Yan and Xu Jiayang frowned first, then fell silent.

Leng Yan let out a low growl, "Let the public relations department work overtime. If the navy forces on the Internet are deliberately hacked tonight, remember to settle."

Really, be a hero by yourself, and you want him to wipe your ass!

Xu Jiayang's mouth bends slightly, "I didn't see the wrong person."

Xia Weibao is worthy of his praise.

Starting at six o'clock, the star night awards scene was crowded with numerous reporters.

Stars from all walks of life competed and adored to attend.

It depends on whose limelight is higher.

However, Xia Weibao, the double actress who everyone was looking forward to, never appeared.

Xia Weibao's popularity is the highest, and the one who comes to the scene the most is also her fan.

All holding signs and holding banners waiting for her to appear.

But I can't wait for what I don't want.

She still didn't show up until the party started at seven o'clock.

The reporters looked puzzled, and the fans were extremely disappointed.

"Maybe the baby is just late for something. She has two prizes tonight. It's impossible not to come."

However, she did not show up until the party started.

Some reporters have already smelled the news and their eyes are bright.

The pen in his hand is about to move.

Now that the party is halfway through, no matter whether Xia Weibao appears tonight or not, they have already prepared a press release. She can't take off the big-name hat!

Xia Weibao is very hot now, so hot that no one dares to provoke him.

Because of this, she is more convincing by playing big names!

The down-and-fall star played a big name once counterattack, ignoring the star night, haha ​​this news is absolutely wonderful!

The award ceremony is still going on, and some reporters can't bear it and start posting.

The topic of #夏微宝璨大牌# instantly whirled across the Internet.

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