Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1505: Yan Yuexian broke her hand

Anyway, the level of modern technology is so high, mobile phones are even better than Qianli Transmission!

Pei Hong sighed, "Oh, I think too, but Xuan Ye is gone."

"What does it mean to be missing."

"I don't know, I suddenly lost contact and couldn't find anyone. He is a very mysterious person. He has always seen the dragon without seeing the head, and I have never seen him several times.

This time it has been gone for a long time, and I don't know where it went. "

Xia Weibao twisted her brows slightly.

Long Xuanye, who is it, felt that this man was becoming more and more mysterious.

Especially his skill is faster than Nan Yi, such a mysterious man is disturbing.

"Minister Pei, isn't Long Xuanye your apprentice? You don't know where his home is?" Xia Weibao asked tentatively.

"I don't know, he suddenly came to me and said that he wanted to worship me as a teacher and wanted to learn the guqin from me. He played the flute very well, so I accepted him as a disciple.

But even though he is my apprentice, I haven't seen him several times.

He has never learned Guqin from me. He could still be contacted by phone before, but this time he was also contacted by phone, and it was all turned off.

At the beginning, I felt that he joined the Chinese Academy of Sciences for another purpose, and wanted to observe for a period of time. As a result, he couldn't even see him. It was a strange person. "

Xia Weibao's eyebrows tightened.

For some reason, this Long Xuanye made her very disturbed.

When Lu Hualiang comes back from a business trip, tell him to check with this person.

Pei Hong sighed, and said in embarrassment, "Xiao Xia, you can play Fuxi **** so well, how about you compare with David?"

The career that he has been striving for all his life is vilified, and living for most of his life is nothing more than trying to carry forward the national musical instrument.

Now this heart is uncomfortable.

Xia Weibao was a little embarrassed, and she felt very upset after David's words.

But she always felt that she was a lunatic, and she didn't want to accompany a lunatic to mess around.

Moreover, she has no time.

The international dance competition has wasted a lot of time and slowed down Xu Jiayang's shooting progress.

Can't drag it again.

Xu Jiayang keeps her cool, this is not her willful capital.

"Minister Pei, I have been busy recently. If you really can't swallow this breath, let Yuexian go. She has been working very hard. Fuxi has learned almost the fingering, and it should be no problem to compete."

Yan Yuexian is talented and willing to work hard, and has been pestering her to learn Fuxi fingering.

She also wanted to carry forward Fuxi fingering, so she taught them all and she had learned almost.

Focus on practicing a piece of music, and then go to the competition, it should be no problem.

"Is that so, I will ask Yuexian first."

After Pei Hong finished the call, he immediately called Yan Yuexian to inquire.

He was quite satisfied with Yan Yuexian, the apprentice.

Yan Yuexian was getting angry, and when he received a call from Pei Hong, he responded without saying anything!

She has studied Fuxi **** for so long and has confidence in herself.

Rub David's spirit!

See if he dare to look down on the Chinese National Instruments!

If she can't do it, then the cousin will do it!

She is also a backstage person!

After receiving a positive answer from Yan Yuexian, Pei Hong immediately contacted David.

Xia Weibao was a little late in filming today, and only finished work at nine.

When changing clothes, I received an email from David in Chinese.

"Xia Weibao, no one except you is qualified to accept my challenge."

Looking at this sentence, Xia Weibao just felt inexplicable.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Yan Lingyi.

"Baby, come to the hospital, Yuexian's hand was interrupted!"

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