Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1508: Betting on lottery, there is always someone to die

On the phone, David's cold and arrogant voice came, "Xia Weibao, do you like my gift for you."

Xia Weibao's eyes slowly narrowed, "It really is you!"

"What about me? What kind of thing is Yan Yuexian, just because she is worthy of comparison with me?"

The empress felt that fortunately David was not standing in front of her at this time, otherwise she might have been dismembered!

"Do you dare to move from the Yan family, are you afraid of Madam Lingyi?"

"She? A woman?" David said with disdain, "Soon, she will be nothing."

Xia Weibao snorted in his heart, what did David mean.

Is there any plan to target Yan Lingyi?

"Xia Weibao, Davy is not a bully. If you make my girlfriend faceless to see people, I will let your cousin not see people!"

Xia Weibao was sitting in Yan Yuexian's room, looking at the pale girl who was still faint from illness.

Holding a mobile phone in one hand and gently touching Yan Yuexian's Aegean in the other.

Hearing David's stern words, she paused with her hand stroking the strings.

The slender fingers suddenly hooked one of the strings, and then released it.

With a clank, an invisible murderous spirit slammed out of the strings, cut across the twigs of the trees outside the window, and cut the twigs horizontally!

Xia Weibao turned his head and watched blankly at the cut branches falling in the night wind.

Killing with the piano, this trick has been useless for a long time, I really miss it.

"I accept your challenge."

"What did you say?!" David's raised voice came from the phone.

This woman would actually agree to play with him?

I'm crazy!

She is the one who dances, and she compares musical instruments to him, and she will lose!

It seemed that Yan Yuexian had an accident, and Xia Weibao was hit hard.

David's eyes were dark, and there was some strange excitement in the dark.

This is exactly what he wants to see, after all, the more painful the enemy, the happier he is.

"Okay, I'll let you know the time and place. Just the challenge is boring. Let's bet on the lottery. If you lose, we will apologize to Brina and admit to the world that you are not as good as me, and the Chinese guqin is not as good as Western pianos!"

Xia Weibao's gaze fell on Yan Yuexian's guqin, his eyes were not bottomed.

"What if I win."

"You don't have this chance! But since it is a lottery, it is naturally for both sides. If you get lucky, then I will apologize to Yan Yuexian and admit to the world that I am inferior to you, and that Western pianos are inferior to Huaxia Guqin!"

"it is good."

Xia Weibao said casually and hung up the phone.

The slender fingers continued to stroke the guqin, occasionally hitting it a few times, making a pleasant sound.

She didn't care what the color was. Yan Yuexian didn't need David's apology.

Because she will help her and get this justice back!

Get up, look for Yan Lingyi who is still packing things.

Since David said with confidence, there must be some means to deal with Yan Lingyi.

Just a reminder, lest she has any clues.

This was the first time Xia Weibao took the initiative to care about her, and Yan Lingyi was enthusiastic.

Reaching out, gently pin the broken hair on Xia Weibao's face behind her ears, her eyes gentle.

"Don't worry, mom is not as weak as you think."

Xia Weibao was a little uncomfortable with this way, so awkward that she was uncomfortable.

After speaking a few words with Yan Lingyi, he went back to the room.

David's speed is very fast. He seems to be eager to let people all over the world know that he is going to challenge Xia Weibao to the instrument.

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