Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1515: Moved by someone 2

The news of Fu Xiqin's appearance spread like wildfire.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe that the legendary artifact Fuxiqin actually existed!

And still in Xia Weibao's hands.

At this moment, everyone paid more attention to this game.

Especially those Western music lovers, Eastern myths and legends, for them are covered with a veil.

Today I am fortunate to have a glimpse of the legendary fetish, how could I not expect it!

When the news reached David's ears, his face sank instantly.

He is proud and proud, but before the competition, he still made some preparations and deliberately learned about Guqin.

One of the most interesting is the Fuxi Qin in myths and legends.

I heard that this piano is very evil and possesses mysterious power that can control the soul of all things.

It's amazing and magical.

He has confidence in himself and his piano skills are superb, and he will never lose to Xia Weibao!

But in case, Xia Weibao has gods to help him.

He is a mortal, how can he fight the gods!

David is a religious person, so he still believes in the theology a little bit.

Just as he was restless, the assistant opened the door and came in.

"Mr. David, there is a woman looking for you outside."

"Who?" David was a little impatient.

He is worrying about Fuxiqin, where is he thinking about seeing people.

"Is an Oriental woman."

"No see or not, all cats and dogs come to me, am I so free."

"She said she can solve Fuxiqin's matter."

David raised his head brushingly and narrowed his eyes. "Let her come in."

After a while, David looked at the small and exquisite woman with Rong Qingxiu in front of him, with a look in his eyes.

"Who are you?" David asked.

This woman was familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Come to think of it, at the International Dance Competition last year, Hua Xia was led by her. As for the name, I forgot.

Such a small role is not worth remembering.

Song Shuiling smiled, "Mr. David, you don't need to know who I am, I'm here to help you?"

"You help me?" David smiled playfully.

He was the one who came to kick the pavilion. A Chinese guy actually came over and asked him to help him. Are you sure he was joking?

"Of course, Fu Xiqin must have heard of Mr. David. No one thought that the ancient gods would appear. This piano is very evil. If Xia Weibao used it to compete, the result would be unpredictable. Mr. David should also be doing it. Worry about this."

David looked up and down Song Shuiling, he was indeed upset about this.


"Why should I believe you."

"Because I hate Xia Weibao!"

Hatred was reflected in Song Shuiling's eyes!

She hates Xia Weibao. If it weren't for that woman, she would not be ruined, nor would she fall to the point where she has nothing today!

She wants Xia Weibao to be defeated in front of the world, and she wants Xia Weibao's reputation to be discredited!

As for the result of Huaxia's loss, what to do with her!

David looked at the hatred in Song Shuiling's eyes and smiled.

These people are really interesting. At this kind of juncture, they are not united in a united manner.

Instead, fight in the nest.

However, just what he wanted!

"Your terms."

Since this woman did not directly deal with Xia Weibao, but came to the door, indicating that she had a request.

Song Shuiling clenched her fists, "I want a million dollars!"

If she did her hands and feet on Fuxi Qin, she would definitely be discovered, and Hua Xia would have no place for her then.

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