Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1517: Moved by someone 4

Today's audience comes from all over the world, many of them are David's friends and fans.

They all raised their arms and shouted, cheering for him.

David gathered up his hand-made custom-made tuxedo and enjoyed the popularity very much.

Although every time I perform on stage, I will receive a warm welcome, but I enjoy it every time.

After all, everyone has vanity.

Raising his hand, waved towards the audience, causing another round of cheers.

Retracted his gaze and looked to the left side of the stage, where a guqin was placed.

However, Xia Weibao was nowhere to be seen.

An inexplicable smile evoked at the corner of David's mouth.

The woman had just called and told him that everything was done.

I don't know what the woman moved.

Xia Weibao hasn't appeared yet. Could it be that the woman was drugged or transferred away and couldn't come on stage?

If this is the case, that would be great.

At that time, as long as you give a little guidance, everyone will say that Xia Weibao has no confidence and dare not take the stage.

The coward who accepted the challenge but dared not meet!

The time was approaching every minute, and it was ten o'clock in five minutes, but Xia Weibao still did not appear.

The scene began to riot.

"What's the matter, what about Xia Weibao, why not come on stage?"

"Yeah, the time is coming, why hasn't it come yet? Could it be an accident?"

"Should not, maybe something has been delayed..."

"Hey, in my opinion, she dare not come on stage. David is the piano prince. His piano skills are number two. Who dares to be number one? Xia Weibao, a dancer who dares to compare to him with an instrument, doesn’t know the heights of the world. !"

"Who knows that the sky is high and the earth is thick? Did you brush your teeth in the morning? Your mouth smells so bad!"

"Am I wrong? She hasn't come on stage yet, it's not stage fright, Xia Weibao is a thing, dare to compare with our piano prince David..."

"What kind of **** piano prince, right? Pretending to be, this is Huaxia, dare to scold our baby goddess and look for death..."


As time was approaching, the people below became more and more irritable, and immediately started arguing.

It's crazy.

Pei Hong wiped a sweat, why didn't he arrive yet.

The judges here today are all of the Taidou-level, and they are very proud.

If Xia Weibao is late, she will definitely leave a bad impression, which is very detrimental to her!

On the hotel balcony opposite the open-air stage, Yan Yuexian's two small eyebrows were tangled together.

"Brother, how come my cousin hasn't gone up yet, my right eyelid keeps jumping, will something happen?"

Yan Fei touched her head, "It's okay, don't worry."

"I always feel uneasy. My cousin may have something wrong, brother, go and see."

Yan Fei glanced at the direction of the stage, but also a little worried.

David was cruel, and in order to prevent Yan Yuexian from accepting the challenge, he directly tied him up and abolished him.

It is hard to guarantee what he would do to Xia Weibao in order to win.

Although with Xia Weibao's skill, ordinary people can't deal with her, but they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case...

"Can you do it by yourself."

Yan Yuexian pushed him out, "No problem, brother, go find your cousin, I can."

Yan Fei pursed her lips, "I'm looking for a waiter to come over."

Talking and hurrying out.

David checked the time, and there were two minutes left.

However, Xia Weibao still didn't show up, it seemed that he was afraid to come.

The woman's heart is not good, but the means are good.

Actually, Xia Weibao could not be on stage.

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