Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1520: Without Strings, "Aviary Comes"

Xia Weibao glanced at the judges who were already dissatisfied.

For these music madmen, musical instruments are their own weapons, no matter what the reason, even their own weapons are not protected.

Is not a qualified musician.

Looking at the audience who worried about her again, his eyes paused for a second on Pei Hong's anxious and guilty face.

Only then did he withdraw his gaze and meet the complacency and mockery on David's face.

Xia Weibao curled her lips coldly.

He lowered his head and looked at the guqin with all broken strings in front of him.

Reached out, stroked one of them gently, and spoke slowly to the audience.

"The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. The only part of the Guqin is an inexhaustible treasure. I don't know how many people here know about the Guqin.

Has anyone heard of the stringless piano. "

After finishing speaking, with a clank, one of the strings was torn off in her hands.

Everyone off the court heard her words, and they all showed puzzled expressions.

No strings?

What the hell!

Can a piano without strings be called a piano? Can it be played? Just kidding.

Those foreigners who don't understand it have already taken out their mobile phone Baidu to see what Wuxianqin is.

But Pei Hong showed excitement after doubting.

According to legend, Tao Yuanming, a poet of the Jin Dynasty, liked rhythm, but didn’t understand it. So he prepared a piano at home. When he was free, he often played the piano for self-entertainment, but there was no sound of the piano at all, because he had no strings or emblems. It’s just to pin one's thoughts through the action of playing the piano.

Whenever he has a drinking party with friends and has three wine tours, he always asks his friends to play the piano, and he himself takes out the stringless piano and plays with the sound of his friends, as if his stringless piano can also play something The music is just like.

Some friends laughed at him, and he replied, "As long as you can understand the fun of the piano, why bother to let the strings make a sound."

Later, the allusion of "no strings qin" was used to refer to a qin without strings, or to describe an elegant and different style, or to express feelings outside the strings.

Everyone knows that the stringless piano cannot be played, because it has no sound.

However, few people know that there really was a person in history who once played the stringless piano!

That is the treasure queen of Daxia Kingdom!

I heard that Empress Bao is mysterious and unpredictable, and killing with a piano is one of them.

Once, she singled out a 100,000 army with one person, one instrument, and later won.

But after that time, Emperor Xia Liang was furious and said that she liked playing the piano so much, so he gave her a broken string and let her play.

If you can't bounce it out, you will enter the cold palace.

Empress Bao broke all the strings in a rage, and then improvised a song "A Thousand Birds".

The final result is unknown, and there is no real historical record.

He also only saw a few words in "Secret Talks of the Great Xia Kingdom".

As for whether that matter is true or not, whether Empress Bao really played "Aviary in the Kingdom" on the stringless piano, no one knows.

No one has ever listened to the song "Hundred Birds", it was improvised by Empress Bao, and there is no score.

But that incident should have been fabricated by the people, not true.

Emperor Xia Liang could dethrone the Sixth Palace for Queen Bao, and only favor one person in his life, how could he be willing to put her into the cold palace.

Besides, afterwards, the two of them were not the same kindness and affection, and there was a half-separation.

Because of this, very few people know about it.

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