Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1528: Why are you so heartbroken!

——Hey, it turns out that your marriage certificates with your baby are both P? Mine is different, it is real! I got the certificate yesterday! If you don’t believe me, come and see, I even have a household register, and the baby is already on my household register. The photo is proof

——Huh, do you think that the second photo of Mr. Lu is a bit familiar? Come to think of it, isn’t this a photo from the baby’s Weibo one year ago? I remember that the baby was leaning on a bench, and then looking at a dog with gentle eyes. Tsk Tsk Lu always turned the back of the chair into himself. Fight...

——Mr. Lu, I’m not talking about you. If you want a P photo, why don’t you need a snack? At least remove the back view. The original pictures are all picked up. The P pictures are so heavy. I don’t know what to say about you. Now, get it off, bye!

——A bunch of people who posted marriage certificates on Weibo, Mr. Lu is the most fake, and he doesn’t want to talk anymore. See you manually, male **** or something, it doesn’t exist...

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Lu Hualiang was puzzled.

Going back to the headline and looking at it, I found that the top topic in the hot search was #夏微宝婚证#

Below, a bunch of people exposed their marriage certificates with Xia Weibao, not only that, but also photos of hugging each other intimately, kiss photos, bed photos, and wedding photos.

There is a more exaggerated one, the photos of a family of three have come out! ! !

All P pictures!

The microblogs sent out are even more varied.

"Take a photo of life with my wife."

"My wife took the initiative to kiss me today, so happy."

"Life is very long, I'm with you."

"Although it is not Valentine's Day today, I still want to show off my love."

"A happy life for a family of three."

Looking at those pictures on Weibo, Mr. Lu’s face, I can’t read it!

I didn't expect that Xia Weibao was just playing a stringless piano, and those people were so excessive!

Even the marriage certificate is given to P, and it is still P in the whole network!

He is very serious in making public, what are these people doing, what are they doing!

Well now, no one will believe the truth!

Xia Weibao naturally noticed such a grand occasion.

He clenched one corner of the pillow tightly, suffocating his smile.

His face was already red, but he had to keep holding it.

There is no doubt that if she laughed out loud at this time, Lu Hualiang might explode on the spot!

The man had a dark face and looked at her dangerously, "My wife, are you very proud?"

Empress Empress is definitely a person who is aware of current affairs, feeling a strong sense of crisis, she immediately put down her pillow and her face was serious.

"No, not proud."

It's not that she didn't let it be published, but that he made it public, and no one believed it.

"Bring the phone." Lu Hualiang said.

Xia Weibao could only hand in the phone obediently.

President Lu logged into her Weibo and posted the same Weibo.

Xia Weibao V: Husband, please advise @陆华凉V for the rest of your life. 【Picture jpg.】【Picture jpg.】【Picture jpg.】

After sending it out, the comments below instantly exploded!

--what happened! Why did the goddess post such Weibo? Could it be that she really married Mr. Lu?

——Impossible, I do not accept such a result!

——The picture is clearly P, absolutely not true...

——What is going on here, why Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang will post the same Weibo, and both are @ each other, is this really announcing marriage?

——I am broken in love, I am going to commit suicide...

——The goddess has a master, what can I do in the future...

——The rival is actually Lu Hualiang, we all go together, can we get it back...

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