Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 153: I'm here to challenge

A pure white slim-fitting sportswear with long hair **** high.

Tall, calm walking.

Winking eyes shyly closed, Dan lips bursting into laughter.

Obviously she is a dignified and beautiful girl, but the ponytail swaying easily behind her adds to the neat and handsome look of a chivalrous woman!

Don't love red outfits, love arms.

The appearance of Xia Weibao was like a breeze.

The original hot scene suddenly fell silent.

Xia Weibao, who was slowly coming onto the stage, suddenly turned his head and smiled toward the audience.

At that moment, everyone had a deep understanding of what it meant to look back and smile, Bai Meisheng, the Sixth Palace had no color.

Some people don't need expensive clothes, gorgeous shapes, or delicate makeup.

Even without makeup, it is a charming scenery.

In this society where Yan Gou is in power, how important is it to have a face that is as beautiful as a god.

Every time Xia Weibao appears, it is a visual surprise!

Even if you were still in the dark a second ago, she was so dark that she spit wildly.

But the moment you see her, you have to admire her beauty.

When Xia Weibao stepped onto the stage, all the beauty in the world was eclipsed at that moment.

She stopped there, and Lin Siqian, the most beautiful **** just now, became a passerby in seconds.

Lin Siqian was stunned to death.

Is there anything better than a meticulous styling, and when I feel that I am the most beautiful in the world, when I encounter a bare face, I will turn myself into a dregs and vomit blood.

Standing in front of Xia Weibao, she suddenly felt ashamed.

All the compliments from fans just now slapped her face like a slap!

It hurts hotly.

Especially Jiang Ming, who had just confessed to her affectionately, stared at Xia Weibao's face in a daze!

What makes her feel so embarrassing!

I can't wait to tear Xia Weibao's face to pieces!

But on the face, he had to pull a reluctant smile to maintain his image.

The appearance of Xia Weibao made the scene embarrassed.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Jiang Ming's proposal is to slap her in the face.

But she came uninvited and appeared on the stage in a fair manner.

Lin Siqian's eyes were vicious, and she kept winking at the host, telling her to hurriedly complete the field.

But I didn't want to, and the host was dumbfounded.

Lin Siqian wants to vomit blood!

You, a woman, actually watched another woman commit a nympho!

There was no one to save the field, she could only take the microphone by herself, and then smiled.

"Baby, today is the day when Brother Ming proposed to me, are you here to bless me."

She smiled generously and held Xia Weibao's hand very intimately, making a look of affectionate sisterhood.

A hint of calculation flashed in his eyes!

Now that her relationship with Xia Weibao is so sensitive, Xia Weibao is clearly here to do something.

And she pretended not to know, others would definitely think she was innocent and unpretentious.

Facing a woman who robs her of a man, she can be tolerant and have a good sense of emotional intelligence.

This is such a good one.

Xia Weibao, I will squeeze the last trace of your value!

Just as she had a wishful thinking in her heart, Xia Weibao's cold voice came, "No."

Lin Siqian smiled stiffly, unspeakably embarrassed.

Xia Weibao didn't play the cards according to the routine, so she could not get off the stage.

Reluctantly smiled, "Then what are you here for?"

Xia Weibao withdrew the hand she was holding, and the corners of her mouth were coldly hooked, smiling and non-smiling eyes swept across Lin Siqian, and fell on Jiang Ming, "I'm here to challenge."

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