Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1532: Wife Wife Wife!

After the piano competition, Xia Weibao's popularity reached a terrible level. Almost the world was studying how her stringless piano attracted a hundred birds.

Attention is unprecedentedly high!

National Radio also spotted this point, so when the iron was hot, an interview was arranged as soon as possible.

Even pre-recording is eliminated, live broadcast!

The purpose is to let everyone see Xia Weibao as the "Chinese Culture Communication Ambassador".

Therefore, the ratings of this program can be imagined!

Ranked first, far away from other shows a few streets!

You can imagine how many people heard this call at this time!

The recording scene of two thousand people is so quiet that the needles can be heard.

Everyone in front of the TV was dumbfounded.

How embarrassing!

The empress was struck by lightning several times, and she didn't know how to react.

Until the man's voice came again on the phone, "Wife, wife?"

Xia Weibao slapped a sharp spirit, and recovered.

His complexion is red!

It was almost a conditioned reflex. She grabbed the mobile phone in the host's hand, then took a picture on the table, clenched her other hand into a fist, and slammed it on the mobile phone with a bang.

Kang Dang——

Clang la la-

The small glass table was broken by her punch...

The phone fell to the ground without breaking, and Lu Hualiang's anxious voice came from inside.

"Wife, what's going on, wife, wife, wife..."

The empress empress' complexion burst into red, red, red, red, from the face to the neck and then all over the body.

Stop yelling, for fear that the whole world doesn't know that I am your wife!

Tell her to dig a hole and bury her heart.

The host had already been so scared that he looked at her in shock, and then at the broken glass table.

This is definitely the most thrilling and exciting time since her hosting career!

Ju Ju actually smashed such a thick table with one punch!

The audience at the scene no longer knows how to react.


Empress Empress was just a momentary excitement and wanted Lu Hualiang to shut up, so she conditioned her to smash her phone.

Now I am sober, my intestines are blue with regret.

Her image of a lady is gone!

Now he must have no face to hang up, and can only smile awkwardly and politely.

Picking up the phone, "I am."

"Wife, I just heard the sound of broken glass, wife, are you okay, wife."

"I'm fine."

"Wife, you are just like a wife if you are okay, what happened to your wife just now?"

Xia Weibao was embarrassed, "It's nothing, the table... just broke."

"The table fell? Wife, are you injured? Wife, I will pick up your wife now."

The empress was so embarrassed that she grinds her teeth, so she wants to get through the phone and block his mouth with a shoe sole!

Can you stop my wife's yelling and say ten wives in three sentences!

For fear that others will not know our relationship!

"Stop calling, I haven't finished my work yet, haven't you watched TV." Xia Weibao wiped his sweat and wanted to hang up.

However, it is still live.

Lu Hualiang sat on the sofa in the Luyuan lobby, watching the large-screen TV in front.

His eyes kept falling on his wife's charming and flowery face, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My wife, I didn't read it. My wife, I'm working on the documents in the study."

Xia Weibao was startled, did not watch TV?

Could it be that she misunderstood, just now he kept calling his wife, just worried about her, instead of deliberately calling it to the national audience?

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