Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1542: People from the ancient medical family

Regardless of He Zhixin's opposition, he was forcibly discharged from the hospital.

Then he moved to the genius hospital.

He Zhixin couldn't stop it and sighed heavily.

Hopefully, nothing will happen.

"President He, you seem to really not want Xia Weibao to treat Mrs. Fang."

A man's voice suddenly came from behind.

He Zhixin was taken aback, turned around abruptly, and saw Lu Hualiang standing straight behind him in a pure black suit.

The cold eyes seemed to see through the human soul.

He Zhixin was a little flustered. Under such eagle-like gaze, he felt that all his thoughts were helpless.

"No... no, how come."

Lu Hua glanced with a cold, cold look, "Who is Xia Weibao?"


A drop of cold sweat dripped from He Zhixin's forehead, and he quickly wiped it.

Pulling out a stiff smile, "Mr. Lu laughed, Xia Weibao is your wife, why do you ask who she is?"

"President He, you are a smart man, you know what I am asking."

"President Lu, I really don't know what you mean. Xia Weibao is Yan Lingyi's daughter, your wife, and an entertainment actress. This is something everyone knows. Why did you come to ask me?"

Lu Hualiang sneered, "Who is her father, or I can ask more clearly, who is Ma Xingfeng."

He Zhixin's complexion changed, and under Lu Hualiang's heavy pressure, he could barely breathe.

But still holding on with a smile, "President Lu, you should ask Mrs. Lingyi about this question, how would I know."

Lu Hualiang put his hands in his pockets, posing in a relaxed posture, but his eyes grew colder.

It was like a Mount Tai, pressing on the shoulders of He Zhixin.

"President He, since I am standing here and asking you today, do you think I will check nothing?

Do you need me to mention something, the ancient medical family. "

He Zhixin's face paled, and countless struggles flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"President Lu, I really don't know who Xia Weibao is. The world of ancient medicine has been isolated from the world for a long time. I am afraid that even you can't find out anything about that family, let alone me."

For this, Lu Hualiang never doubted.

The affairs of the ancient medical family were too mysterious, even if he used the power of the dark, he could only detect one or two, and even Ma Xingfeng's specific identity could not be found.

Of course, if he does it at all costs, it is not impossible to find out, but that way, he will never use it for a lifetime.

After all, the wife will be jealous.

"Why did you adjust the paternity test report of Xia Weibao and Yan Weiyang?"

He Zhixin no longer hides it.

Since Lu Hualiang could guess that he was an ancient medical family, he probably knew more than him.

He shook his head, "I really don't know the identity of Mr. Lu, Xia Weibao. The ancient medicine world is far and wide, and disciples are all over the world.

All Chinese medicine practitioners trace their roots and shape their roots, all from ancient medical families.

I also came from a Chinese medicine doctor. Back then, my grandfather was a disciple of the descendants of the ancient medical family.

Grandpa passed Chinese medicine to my dad, and my dad passed it to me. In other words, my Chinese medicine is also inherited from the ancient medical family.

Hong Qing came to me that day, and she took out a token.

Let me adjust the paternity test reports of Xia Weibao and Yan Weiyang, saying that someone wants Xia Weibao and must hide her identity. "

"What token?" Lu Hualiang asked.

Someone once **** He Zhixin's most beloved granddaughter, and he couldn't shake his principle.

What kind of token can make him go against his beliefs?

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