Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1546: Ancient medical family, Xia Yongxuan


A voice of vicissitudes came from the phone.

Lu Hualiang's eyebrows were deep, "How is Hong Qing's situation."

In the primeval forest that night, Hong Qing was seriously injured and poisoned.

Everyone thought she was dead, including Xia Weibao.

At that time, he took Xia Weibao away and prevented her from asking about Hong Qing's situation. He only gave her an ambiguous answer-he had dealt with Jiang Qing's body.

In fact, Jiang Qing did not stop breathing, but was seriously injured and fell into a severe coma.

He asked Jiang Qing to transfer and then sent someone to treat him.

Hanging her life.

An important person in Xia Weibao's life experience, how could he let her die like that!

"Back to the master, the patient's condition still hasn't improved. If he sleeps like this, he will never wake up.

But master, if you insist on making her wake up, there is no way out. "

"Tell me."

"You can use a virus. The virus research team has developed a new virus that can stimulate people's nerves and wake her up.

But when he wakes up, he will die. "

Lu Hualiang pressed his eyebrows fiercely, "Are you sure you can't wake up under normal medical treatment."

"Yes, she was stabbed a few times, and she was hit every bit, and she was also hit by poison.

If it hadn't been delayed by someone using detoxification pills, we would hang on precious medicines every day, and we would have died early.

Master, look at your subordinates, if you have something to ask her, use the virus to stimulate her to wake up.

If you have nothing to ask, stop the medication. "

Hanging in this way is different from raising a vegetative.

Lu Hualiang thought for a while, "Use a virus."

"Okay, I will arrange it, it may take a while."

Viruses can't be used casually, especially this very powerful virus. The mutation of Nan Yi has caused a psychological shadow on their virus research team.

It must be foolproof!

A few days later.

City E next to the imperial city, Xia Weibao’s former economic man, He Xin, who was also the economic man of Yan Weiyang’s alive, was taken to the hotel.

In the presidential suite of the hotel, a woman wearing a goose yellow dress and a long white tulle coat is sitting on the balcony, sipping a cup of tea slowly.

The vermilion lips glowed with a crystal light under the nourishment of tea.

The skin is white as snow, bright and beautiful.

When He Xin walked in, she saw a woman sitting in the sun drinking a cup of tea. Just a profiled face made her amazed.

This is a very beautiful woman. He Xin has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. The beauty she has seen is like a crucian carp, no matter how beautiful it is, it is difficult for her to surprise her.

However, the woman in front of her did it.

Both beauty and temperament are breathtaking.

This is a woman who can only be cultivated by a big family with a deep heritage.

Yan Weiyang, who was a hit at the time, couldn't even match a finger of the woman in front of him.

He Xin felt that among all the women she had met, it was estimated that only Xia Weibao could compete with the woman in front of her in appearance and temperament.

As for identity, I am afraid that no woman in the world can match the person in front of her!

He Xin walked up to the woman, lowered her eyebrows, and her attitude was very respectful.

"Miss Xia."

Xia Yongxuan tilted her head slightly, the corners of her mouth curled up, but her eyes were cold and not warm.

"Are everything done?"

"It's done, Yan Weiyang is dead."

Yan Weiyang died long ago. Since the woman's death, Lu Hualiang and Yan Fei have been closely tracking the whereabouts of her murderer.

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