Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1558: Xia Weibao's Mystery of Life Experience 7

The old man glanced around, "Go in and say."

The three of them entered the genius doctor's hospital. For those who weren't waiting to see, the queen empress was free of tea.

The old man looked at the empty table and wanted to beg for a cup of tea. He didn't have a drink of water at night, and he was thirsty.

But I am embarrassed to say it.

If it were to be known, his dignified head of the ancient medical clan would even have to ask himself, where is his face?

So he held the faucet of the crutches with both hands, looked around, muttered vaguely, "I am your grandfather anyway, I still have to have the courtesy."

"What are you talking about, I can't hear you loudly." Xia Weibao said.

"Nothing, your medical hall is quite elegant, there is no pantry?"

"No, who you said just now, who actually poisoned my family."

Steward Kang stood at the back and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

This is probably the first time that his master has eaten in front of juniors.

Xia Jinsong glared at him, then looked at Xia Weibao.

"It's your second uncle, they are not against your family.

Do you know the origin of the ancient medical family? "

Xia Weibao shook his head.

She was a person who had traveled through ancient times, and she knew so much.

The ancient medical family just felt a little familiar, and couldn't remember where they had heard of it.

"Our Xia family used to be court physicians in ancient times. Doctors who specialized in serving the upper ruling class such as emperors and important court officials. Although they are no longer a feudal society, this tradition has always been..."

"and many more."

Halfway through Xia Jinsong's words, Xia Weibao raised his hand to interrupt, "Which dynasty?"

In the ancient palace doctors, this scope was too wide.

She was in charge of the court doctor in the Great Xia Kingdom, and she had never heard of what the Xia family was.

"From the beginning of the Western Kingdom, all the hospitals in all dynasties and dynasties belonged to our Xia family, so our Xia family's status in China and even in the Eastern countries is detached.

There is no family older than our Xia family, and with hundreds of years of accumulation, our Xia family's medical skills are unmatched! "

When talking about this, Xia Jinsong looked proud and proud.

An ancient medical family passed down from generation to generation, like the ancient fossils in today's medical world, is indeed a capital to be proud of!

Xia Weibao recalled when the Western Kingdom was, Jujin was about 500 years old, a dynasty that was 500 years later than the Great Xia Kingdom.

The face went dark.

A family five hundred years younger than her, what the **** is it in front of her.

Xia Jinsong continued, "In this society under the rule of law, there is no hospital for a long time, and our family is gradually isolated from the world, focusing on Chinese medicine.

However, this practice of treating diseases for the ruling class has been retained and expanded from China to the entire Eastern world.

And it's not limited to the chiefs of the country, but the important officials of the country, as well as the leaders of the major organizations, if they have serious illnesses, are qualified to offer help to our ancient medical family. "

This is why, although the ancient medical family is isolated from the world, they always have a transcendent status.

The Xia family dealt with all the ruling class, and it was all the leaders who sought the ancient medical family.

No one wants to offend a genius doctor family, after all, at a critical moment, the ancient doctor family is their last life-saving talisman!

Most people are not qualified to let the ancient medical family take action.

The last time Yidu was severely ordered to go into a coma, the major hospitals were helpless, so they asked the ancient medical family for help.

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