Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1571: He lost badly

When Lu Hualiang came back,

As soon as I walked in, I realized that the atmosphere was not right.

Immediately afterwards, a figure directly hit his arms.

Lu Huashan cried so much that it rained with pears, "Brother, I will never **** your sister-in-law again, I will never call you a wild man, I won't call you a vixen anymore, let alone watching Gongdouju fight you down. Will my sister-in-law come back?

Oh, no longer treat you as a rival, I want my sister-in-law, don’t you divorce her, OK? "

Lu Hualiang, "..."

He didn't even know, it turned out that this younger sister was called him by a vixen and a wild man behind her back!

But what does she mean by this.

I want to pull away the sister who is holding his death.

However, Lu Huashan is determined to be trapped, and there is a posture in which I will die with you if you don't return my sister-in-law.

"Brother, I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. I will never fight you again. Don't divorce my sister-in-law, OK."

"You let go first." Lu Hualiang tore the person apart, holding the collar, "What did you mean by what you just said? What divorce."

Her face sank, could it be that Xia Weibao and her family said that she was going to divorce?

That woman is really cruel!

Lu Huashan burst into tears and put on makeup, "Brother, don't bully your sister-in-law, please find her back, okay? I want my sister-in-law, I only want Xia Weibao to be my sister-in-law."

Lu Hualiang frowned, "Who told you that I want to divorce her."


Don't even think about it in this life!

Zhong Wanshu walked over with the divorce agreement and threw it in front of him, "See it for yourself!"

She didn't see it!

The daughter-in-law was angry and ran away, how dissatisfied this son is.

President Lu received the most serious family criticism in history.

Looking at the divorce agreement in his hand, Xia Weibao's signature can burn people's eyes!

His complexion changed, he turned around abruptly and drove out.

damn it!

She actually dared!

Around the imperial city, I searched for the imperial city, from the evening to the dark, from the dark to the early morning, from the early morning to the dawn.

Find the car is out of gas, fill it up and continue looking.

Lu Hualiang's complexion became more and more gloomy, and his hostility could almost freeze the carriage into ice.

Like a beast that will go mad at any time, exudes a terrifying and terrifying breath.

The knuckles holding the steering wheel were bleakly white, and the back of his hands trembled gently, revealing the emotions deep in his heart.

He was scared, he was panicking.

Fear that Xia Weibao will never come back.

Fear, I will really lose her.

He didn't intentionally slam the door to leave, he was just afraid that his emotions would get out of control, just that he would hurt her again.

That's why I went out to calm down.

I also want to test my position in her heart and see if she will come to him.

He regretted it, knowing she was so ruthless, how could he be angry with her.

Who gave him the capital, angry with her.

In the world of emotions, whoever moves first will lose.

In this marriage, he lost terribly, his dignity, arrogance, and spine all lost.

Even the angry capital lost.

Knowing that she would not be nostalgic, why did she test her own position in her heart again and again.

In the delusion that she would be soft-hearted for him, she would be soft-hearted in a whimsical way, and would lower her arrogant head to coax him.

I wish she had a place in her heart, even in a corner.

All, wishful thinking, delusional.

The result of taking oneself too important is to lose her.

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