Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1582: I'm sorry Wang Zhaojun

"The women outside, they are vain, elopement and this kind of thing are done, I don't know how many men there have been.

If you want me to say, it's better to let Grandpa take her to check her DNA. If we bring a stray dog's daughter back, where should our Xia family's face go? "

"You..." Xia Chuyan was so angry that she couldn't speak, "Xia Yongtong, you are too much!"

The Xia family changed the patriarch once, and they have always been in order, and there has never been a problem.

However, the previous generation did not change, resulting in an excessive number of direct descendants, which was very chaotic.

There are several parties in the internal division.

The two more prominent parties are the second master Xia Jingmin, who is Xia Yongxuan's father.

He third master Xia Yunping, who is Xia Chuyan's father.

Xia Yunping and Xia Xingfeng had a very good relationship when they were young and had no ambitions.

Now that Xia Weibao came back, he naturally stood by her side.

Therefore, Xia Jinsong let Xia Chuyan take care of Xia Weibao.

Now, Xia Yongtong and Xia Chuyan are on the bar, and the two factions are fighting, so naturally there is no good face.

Xia Weibao saw Xia Chuyan crying in anger.

The anger kept rising.

Knock on mom!

Not only caused Hong Kong to lose the game, but also cried Hong Kong's concubine with anger. This hatred will not avenge non-lady!

So the angry empress rolled up her sleeves, followed the wall, climbed from the second floor to the third floor with her bare hands, and jumped onto Xia Yongtong's balcony.

In the horrified eyes of Xia Yongtong and Xia Chuyan, they grabbed Xia Yongtong's collar and jumped off the third floor.

Throwing the scared woman Huarong to Xia Chuyan, "Apologize!"

"Ah ah ah ah, Xia Weibao, you lunatic!" Xia Yongtong screamed, his face pale.

Xia Weibao didn't care about her, kicked her butt, and kicked people directly.


"Xia Weibao, you dare to hit me!"

The empress slapped her on the head, "What happened to you? Hurry up and apologize!"

Seeing that she was not moving, she stepped on her **** again.

Damn, she's not as pretty as her concubine, and dare to cause trouble!

"Xia Weibao, wait for me, my dad and my sister will not let you go!"

"Take care of yourself first, and give my concubine my love...Ah no, apologize to my second sister!"

Xia Yongtong was crying and crying, but now it is called every day to not, and the ground is not working well, so she can only grit her teeth unwillingly, "I'm sorry."

"Did I beat you or scolded you? An apology is like going to the guillotine, not sincere."

Xia Yongtong wanted to cry, you beat me and scolded me too!

Now that I am in a weak position, I can only admit my fate, "I'm sorry."

"Apologize to me and apologize to the second sister."

"Second sister, sorry."

Xia Yongtong's eyes are full of unwillingness, Xia Weibao, you wait for me!

Today's shame must be reported!

The empress's eyes widened, "There's more."

"No, I apologize to both of you."

"And my king, you killed me, don't you need to apologize to my Wang Zhaojun?"

Xia Yongtong, "..."

Go to your mother!

So angry...

"Wang Zhaojun, sorry, I didn't mean to kill you, please forgive me."

"In the future, dare to splash water when I play games."

"Don't dare."

Shedding tears of humiliation...

The empress was satisfied and clapped her hands and said, "Are you playing games? The king can eat chicken."

"Play the king."

"What level."

"The king has 15 stars."

Niangniang who is happy, all the anger is gone.

"You caused me to lose the game. This makes me very angry. It seems that you look a little beautiful. Let me play with your account for a day. It's an apologize."

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