Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1594: Quarrel (add more for the leader)

Xia Chuyan, "..."

Well, I can't understand her thinking more and more.

In such an emergency situation, I still have the mood to play.

The heart is really big enough.

Xia Yongxuan arranged everything, and Xia Jingmin couldn't wait to convene a family meeting.

The reason is to seek justice for Xia Yongtong.

In the meeting room, Xia Jinsong, all the uncles of the Xia family, and all the elders attended.

The grandchildren such as Xia Weibao and Xia Yongxuan are not eligible to participate.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xia Jingmin stood up indignantly, "Everyone must have heard of what happened last night.

At this family meeting, I want to seek justice for Xiaotong!

People like Xia Weibao who are killing their brothers and feet, with vicious minds and cruel methods, are not worthy of being the future patriarch! "

After finishing speaking, he gave a wink at several supporters nearby.

Those people spoke in support, "I agree with the second master."

"I agree."

"Our Xia family has always been in harmony. I didn't expect that a child who came back from outside would have killed him in only ten days. Such a person must be severely punished in order to follow suit!"


Xia Jinsong sat on the main seat, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, Hefa Tongyan's face, his eyes were piercing, with the majesty that belongs to the superior.

"I brought Xia Weibao back, are you questioning me?"

Xia Jingmin reduced her sharpness, but her attitude became more determined, "Dad, I am not questioning you, but seeking justice for Xiaotong.

Dad, Xiaotong was brought up by you. You can't help a child brought back from outside, regardless of Xiaotong's life and death! "

"Xia Weibao is not a child brought back from outside, she is Xing Feng's daughter, my granddaughter! I don't want to hear any voices questioning her identity!"

"Xiaotong is also your granddaughter." Xia Jingmin refused to give up.

"How do you want to get justice?"

Xia Jingmin's eyes flashed fiercely, "She almost forced Xiaotong to death. This kind of person with a loss of morality is not worthy to stay in Xia's house!

I propose to expel her from the Xia family and disqualify her as heir! "

Xia Jinsong's face suddenly sank.

The third master Xia Yunping, who was sitting on his right hand, stood up suddenly, "I disagree!

Xia Weibao is the eldest brother's widow. We have been living outside for so many years. Our Xia family owes her a lot. Now that we have finally managed to get it back, she should naturally be treated properly. How can we drive her away! "

Xia Jingmin snorted coldly, "Do you want to keep her and kill all your brothers and sisters? Our Xia family has always been in harmony. How long has she been here? To make such a thing, this kind of person will only mess up the family!

If it is not severely punished, everyone will follow suit in the future. Isn't it a mess? What rules are there! "

"This time it was just an accident. I have already asked the question clearly. It was nothing more than two little girls who had a mouthful for a game.

This trivial matter made suicide. Brother, your daughter's ability to bear it is really worrying.

Instead of reprimanding Xia Weibao here, it is better to find a psychiatrist for Yongtong to strengthen his tolerance.

A little frustration is going to die, and I don’t know what to do in society. "

"Xia Yunping what do you mean! Xiaotong has always been well-behaved, if it wasn't for Xia Weibao to deceive people too much, how could he find a short sight!"

"Good-looking? Second brother, it seems that you care a little bit about your daughter. Xia Yongtong is domineering and unreasonable. Are there few bullies? It's still unclear who picked it first this time!"

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