Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1596: Summer! 1 (add more for the leader)

"The rules are dead, and people live. I always believe that those who can live.

Only the strong can afford the burden of the Xia family!

Fang is able to keep my summer parents prosperous! "


"Agree with Erye's statement."

"Everything must be based on the interests of the Xia family..."

Xia Yunping's expression became even more ugly, "How do you know that Xia Weibao can't bear the responsibility!"

Xia Jingmin sneered, "The third brother, are you joking, Xia Weibao is a girl who is stocking outside. It's okay to play games and eat snacks. Do you know what is called Da Ren?

Can she handle family affairs, can she communicate with others, and can she do medical skills.

I'm afraid I can't even recognize a few Chinese medicines. How can a person who doesn't know how to be the patriarch of an ancient medical family? "

He has already inquired, Xia Weibao is an entertainment queen.

Acting is fine, Chinese medicine?

She knows a fart!

Xia Yunping, "What the patriarch has to do is to manage the family and focus on management ability. She is a member of the Presidential Palace of China. She is familiar with managing the country on weekdays. I believe her management ability is fine.

As for medical skills, would the emperor definitely march and fight? "

Xia Jingmin smiled, "The head of the ancient medical family does not know how to heal. Third brother, do you want to laugh at him.

Also, although Xia Weibao is from a strict family, the President of China does not seem to be comparable to my Xia family. "

"Then Yan Lingyi, she is the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and this kind of management ability is enough! Do you dare to say that the United Nations is not comparable to the Xia family?"

Xia Jingmin's expression changed, so he naturally did not dare to say such things.

No matter how deep the Xia family is, it is only a family, and naturally it cannot be compared with a world-wide international organization.

Xia Yunping sneered, "The current Yan Lingyi is no longer the daughter of the mayor back then. He is the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Such an identity is enough to match the Xia family. Xia Weibao has such a mother. Who dares to say that she has no education?"

Xia Jingmin, "Even if Xia Weibao is Yan Lingyi's daughter, she just recognized it not long ago, and she is not a wild girl.

In addition, Yan Lingyi is only the Secretary-General, not the entire United Nations! "

Seeing that it was about to quarrel again, Xia Jinsong waved his hand impatiently.

"Okay, shut up, everything you say makes sense, so Xia Weibao can stay in Xia's house, as to whether she is capable of being the patriarch, and playing fairly.

Next month, all direct descendants will participate in the election, and the winner will be the next patriarch!

I am old and useless, so I gave way after the election.

Does anyone have any comments? "

Xia Jingmin's face was joyful, he knew that Xia Jinsong would definitely not drive Xia Weibao away, so it was just a cover to seek justice for Xia Yongtong.

The real purpose is naturally to strive for the qualifications for fair competition.

Originally, I just wanted to fight for the heir's qualifications, but I didn't expect Xia Jinsong to give way directly!

This is really an unexpected gain!

"I have no opinion." Xia Jingmin sat back.

Xia Yun looked calm, "I have no objection."

This is the result that he and Xia Jinsong have discussed long ago.

Xia Weibao has no foundation in the Xia family, and no one will convince her. Everyone else is eyeing the position and will definitely kick her out together.

It's impossible to directly hold her in the top position, so let's go for the second best and run for fairness!

In order to prevent others from teaming up to kick Xia Weibao out of Xia Yongtong's suicide, he played a black face and argued with Xia Jingmin.

In the end, it was logical that Xia Weibao stayed to participate in the election!

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