Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1618: Who told you that I am a gentleman

Seeing her face flushed and her breathing unsteady, the man spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Xia actually had such a thought for me."

If you are ruthless, how can you be aroused.

Xia Weibao, "..."

I can’t pretend to be dizzy...

Since it has been dismantled, she will not act anymore.

"Mr. Summer is not as honest as he thought."

While speaking, he opened his eyes.

One glance hits the green eyes of a certain man.

What a familiar look. Every night, Lu Hualiang looked at her with this look, and she was flustered.

The man's breathing became heavier and heavier, and a circle of fine sweat was leaking from his forehead.

"Who told you that I am a gentleman."

No man is a gentleman.

The reason why Liu Xiahui is able to sit with a beautiful woman without chaos is because that beautiful woman is not his sweetheart.

Xia Weibao rolled his eyes and sat up, "Are you my husband?"

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Can he answer this question? Does he dare.

"If you don't speak, it's confession?"

The man pondered for two seconds, "If you want, you can treat me as your husband."

The fine sweat on his forehead is getting more and more, and the veins on his hands are bulging, almost to the point where he can't help it.

In fact, he should have left when he knew the room was lit with aphrodisiac.

However, I am not assured.

Leave her here alone, what if something goes wrong.

Moreover, she was reluctant to endure this torture.

Being much hungry, he knows the pain of being unsatisfied, how can he bear to let her take a cold shower.

The two took Chinese medicine at the same time, and Xia Weibao's situation was not much better than him.

She hugged the quilt tightly, her legs wrapped tightly around the quilt, and her body curled up into a ball.

I really wanted to rush over, but she was afraid, because she was really missing the person, so she admitted to the wrong person.

Although 90% of my heart is certain, this person is Lu Hualiang.

But there is still 10% uncertainty.

What if it's not.

Before being sure whether Summer is Lu Hualiang or not, even if the internal organs are burned to death, we must bear it!

Seeing her pinching the quilt, Lu Hualiang's throat rolled up and down, his eyes glowing green.

The hand has stretched out uncontrollably, trying to touch her white thigh.

"Do you dare to touch it!" Xia Weibao said with a cold face.

She can let Lu Hua touch, but no one else can!

"You obviously endured very hard. You don't need me to help you?"

"No need!"


"Because I have a husband, does Mr. Summer not know, am I married?"

Lu Hualiang suddenly laughed, his fiery eyes gradually covered with frost, and under his cold eyes, there was an uncontrollable anger.

"Your useless husband?"

"It's useless who you say!" Xia Weibao's face was cold, and he was ready to defend himself.

Only she can scold Lu Hualiang, try another scolding!

But I didn't want to. The man turned a blind eye to her anger, but the sarcasm was more obvious, "I made a mistake? Don't you think he can't protect you, so you left a divorce letter!"

Xia Weibao was startled, "That's why you refused to recognize me? You finally admitted that it was Lu Hualiang, right?"

"Xia Weibao, what do you think of me! If you call it, you will come and go. Have you ever asked my opinion about divorce? Leave without saying a word. Have you ever thought about my feelings!"

"I don't know that you are Summer, what can I do about the situation at the time, the Lu family is not the opponent of the Xia family, can you just watch your being killed?"

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