Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1621: I owe me a thousand years, how do you plan to pay it back?

"Husband, don't leave me anymore."

Never want to bear the pain of life and death.

God knows how painful it was when the sky split between Yin and Yang when she first discovered her true intentions.

I just want to go find him once he is dead.

Fortunately, he came to her.

Let her make up.

Xia Weibao closed his eyes and breathed his unique aura. After a thousand years, they are still together, which is great.

Suddenly thinking of something, he opened his eyes, his chin rested on his chest, with two **** eyes open, looking at him with a full smile.

"Husband, what the **** is going on, why would I be reborn after a thousand years, and why would you come to me?"

This is also amazing.

Until now, she couldn't figure out how this happened.

"An emperor's forbidden technique, you don't understand it."

The time before was different from now.

The evil forbidden technique is recorded in some banned books, and he happened to see it in the library of the imperial palace.


Xia Weibao's complexion changed. She walked the rivers and lakes since she was a child, and naturally knew about the anecdote forbidden.

Since it is listed as a forbidden technique, it means that there must be a price to violate the sky wheel!

"What price did you pay!"


Xia Weibao suddenly remembered that he died suddenly in his previous life. Could it be because of forbidden surgery?

"What do you want to do!" Xia Weibao was a little angry.

He was the ninety-five supreme, sitting on the world, but suddenly died at the most glorious age.

If they are not dead, they are both husbands and wives, so why bother to go round and round and miss the tenth life!

Lu Hualiang stared at her eyes and suddenly pressed her head into his arms, "Don't ask."

"Why, how much do you hide from me."

"Queen, obey, don't ask."

Xia Weibao was still a little unwilling, always feeling that things were not that simple.

Let me ask another question, "What is the forbidden technique you use."

"Renew the front edge in the next life."

"Then why did you miss the tenth life!"

The thought of him looking for her alone for so long made her heartache so much that she could not breathe.

The tenth generation of loneliness, how did it survive, I feel sad to think about it.

Lu Hualiang did not answer her question, but rolled over with her in his arms.

Bend down and kissed her lips.

All he did was because he didn't want to lose her.

Perceiving his intention, Xia Weibao resisted a bit, and she still felt pain all over her body now.

But when I thought of this man as her dog emperor, all the rejections turned into catering.

Reached out and hugged him, cooperating with all the movements.

As if going back to a thousand years ago, countless intertwined nights.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Kun Kou Kou... Wumei, are you awake Wumei."

The empress empress, who was in distraction, suddenly woke up.

"someone is coming."

"Leave her alone." The sky and the earth did not eat meat!

The man is already emotional, it is impossible for him to stop.

The knocking on the door continued, and Xia Weibao remembered that she and Lu Hualiang had been in the room for a whole day. If they didn't go out again, they would definitely arouse suspicion.

"You let go first."

Taking off one hand of the man, the other hand climbed up again, like an octopus.

"I want you."

"You've been going all day, isn't it enough."

"Not enough." Not enough for a lifetime.

"Queen, you owe me a thousand years, how are you going to pay it back? Huh?"

"My palace pays back your sister!"

The frustrated empress screamed, then raised her leg and kicked the person to the ground with a bang!

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