Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1625: On the issue of giving birth

Xia Weibao's expression changed, and he almost couldn't hold back a palm to slap him to death!

"What do you want to do! Isn't that enough to give you six births in the previous life? No birth, death not birth!"

She never wanted to have children like a pig anymore, it was scary to think about it.

"Now you don't have the throne to inherit, and there are no civil and military officials to force you to abolish and give birth to anything."

"Who said I don't have the throne to inherit, and the Lu family doesn't need an heir? Yanxia Group doesn't need an heir?"

Xia Weibao looked tangled, "I don't want it! Your whole life will never end with children."

"Good, just have two."

"Then... I'll be born later, I'm only 21 years old, so young."

"You gave birth at the age of sixteen..." Lu Hualiang said quietly.

"The times are different, okay? I used to be an adult at the age of 14, but now I am an adult at the age of 18. How many years have passed, can it be the same."

"Then you are now an adult, you can give birth."

"What's the rush, now there are more people giving birth at the age of 30."

Lu Hualiang had a black face, "I am already twenty-eight."

Xia Weibao patted his face, "Husband, you are reminding me, are you already an old man."

Old man? ? ?

What is the difference between being despised by his wife for being old and throwing his dignity on the ground is absolutely unbearable!

Both hands reached into her armpit and scratched, "Who do you say is old, do you need me to prove that I am not old?"

Xia Weibao was caught giggling, and kept hiding aside, "I was wrong, I was wrong, you are not old, you are not old at all."

"Husband, I was wrong. There are thirty-one flowers for a man. How come your delicate flower will grow old before it blooms..."

"Stop! I know I was wrong."

Xia Weibao kept begging for mercy, and Lu Hualiang let it go.

I made a fool of myself, and the buttons on my chest were torn off.

Lu's eyes are green, "wife..."

"Stop it, my whole body hurts now."

Today he has gone crazy enough, and he really has no strength to accompany him to toss him.

"I said Lu Hualiang, why are you so anxious to have children?"

Times are different, and at their age, there really is no need to rush.

She wants to play for a few more years.

Lu Hualiang groaned for two seconds, and touched her soft and creamy face, "I want to tie you."

Xia Weibao, "..."

She slapped his hand away, she didn't want to talk anymore.

"Before you didn't restore your memory, and you didn't even have to be jealous when you were insecure. Now you clearly remember it. You don't know who the person in my heart is?"

It was tied to death a thousand years ago, do you still need to tie it now?

Xia Weibao yawned, "So sleepy, I'm going back first."

So, what is she doing here tonight?

Except for the mandarin duck bath with him for two hours, he did nothing.

Sent to the door to be eaten, really suffers alive.

Seeing her walking to the closet to look through her clothes, Lu Hualiang's eyebrows deepened, "Don't you stay overnight."

Xia Weibao turned out a thin coat and put it on herself, then tied it with a belt, barely able to go out.

"No, we have nothing to do now. What if we stay overnight and be seen."

I feel a bit like a prostitute, putting on my pants and leaving, it seems too ruthless.

So the empress rushed over, hugged his head, and landed on her face with a bang.

"It's okay if I want to stay, do you disclose your identity?"

"Naughty." Lu Hualiang broke her hand.

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