Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1631: Smashed the latrine

Shot thunder, fast as lightning.

No one had expected that he would suddenly act on Xia Weibao, and after the reaction, his face changed drastically.

Lu Hualiang quickly reached out, trying to stop Nan Yi.

Long Xuanye also stepped out with one leg, trying to block Xia Weibao.

However, as soon as they moved, they heard a bang, and one person flew out and hit the latrine opposite.

The latrine under the flyover, which was not too strong, fell over instantly...

There was also a tramp carrying his pants inside, and when he saw this posture, he was so frightened.

Pulling his pants while drilling into the dog's hole, the look of panicking, indescribably funny.

When, time stands still.

There was a weird silence for five seconds.

Xia Weibao still kept kicking, aggressively trying to find someone to settle the account.

Grandma's, which **** dares to attack this palace!

He kicked people out with a bang.

After the kick, I realized something was wrong.

In the face of everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Xia Weibao had only one thought in his mind, oh, the image of a lady in this palace!

Lu Hualiang and Long Xuanye are okay, after all, they know her nature.

And Yang Zixin and Neal can stuff duck eggs in their mouths!

Nan Yi even forgot to get up.

He was kicked, and he sneaked as fast as he could, and he was kicked flying!

Moreover, why is this kicking movement so familiar...

It seems that I have experienced it before, but I can't remember where it is.

The Empress Empress was the first to react. She immediately stood up straight, crossed her fingers in front of her, and pretended to be afraid.

Said softly, "You want to hit me, so scared."

In order to make myself act more realistically, my shoulders quivered in cooperation.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Don't pretend, wife, it's so fake.

Long Xuanye also reacted, his expression cold, and murderous aura flashed across his face.

"Nan Yi, you actually did something to a weak woman, but you are not a man!"

Yang Zixin and Neal only felt that the three words in their minds were constantly enlarged and enlarged again.

Weak woman...




Nima is still called a weak woman, so is there a creature like a female man on earth!

Xia Weibao sobbed twice, hiding his face and crying, "That's right, people are so weak and can't help but you want to hit me."

Yang Zixin, "..."

Neil, "..."

Both eyes fell on the latrine that was blasted down, and suddenly felt that their previous understanding of women was really too limited!

Nan Yi's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker. If this street can still be visited, then he is a saint!

Several people returned along the road. When they returned to the door of Xia's house, they happened to ran into Xia Yongxuan who had hurried over.

Seeing a few people come back unhappy, Xia Yongxuan hurried up.

Asked with a smile, "What's wrong with everyone? Mr. Nan, why are your clothes dirty?"

A knife eye that Nan Yi brushed came over, and Xia Yongxuan's complexion changed in fright with a cold look like a snake.

Taking a step back, just hit the position where Lu Hualiang was in the arms.

Lu Hualiang was looking at Xia Weibao quietly, and when he found Xia Yongxuan leaning towards him, he shifted and moved away.

But not wanting Xia Yongxuan to get close, she stretched out her hand quickly and hugged his arm.

Then he threw a provocative look at Xia Weibao.

Lu Hualiang's complexion changed, and he was about to throw it away, but when he caught Nan Yi's gaze, he could only bear it.

In Nan Yi's eyes, Xia Yongxuan is his girlfriend, so that's just right, let Nan Yi target this woman.

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