Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1638: Yang Jian's successor 1

Huang Shang's face sank at the time.

Who else is qualified to be on his floor besides Neil!

"Do you think he is handsome?" Very well, in front of him, praise other men for being handsome.

"Yes, he is the most handsome of the western men I have ever met."

Although she has never seen a few Western men.

"Are you handsome?"

Xia Weibao looked at it carefully for a while, "How about different types, and you're tired of watching it for so long."


A sad little arrow hit Mr. Lu's little heart.

Tired of watching again!

The sense of crisis is rising.

It happened that a certain empress didn't know she had been playing the vinegar jar.

"Husband, you said that they are the same people. Why are there such differences in race between the East and the West? Western men are so tall and tough."

This is very new to her.

After all, she had never seen a Westerner thousands of years ago.

I saw it on TV after rebirth and when I was filming abroad, but not many.

It's really strange to be a handsome Western tough guy like Neal.

Mr. Lu's slightly narrowed eyes revealed danger, but his face was calm, "It is difficult to explain with your IQ."

She is different from him.

He is reincarnated and has grown up in this era since he was a child. Although he has now received a memory from the past, he is still Lu Hualiang, a genuine modern man.

All modern knowledge and insights are available.

And she is not, she has traveled here, and she has a strong sense of autonomy, which has overshadowed the memory of the original owner.

It can be said that her thoughts are still in ancient times a thousand years ago.

Both vision and insight are a little bit unable to keep up with the pace of the times.

Xia Weibao was stunned for two seconds, "..."

"You call me stupid?!!!"

"Wife, you got it wrong, I just said your IQ, not stupid."

"Oh, I almost thought you called me stupid. If you dare to say I am stupid, my palace will beat you to death!"

She is so smart after all.

Lu Hua's mouth tickled, "Well, not stupid."

Only occasionally can't turn around.

Xia Weibao stopped talking and looked down at him dealing with the wound.

What he said just now is still playing back in his head, as if something is wrong...

After treating the wound, Lu Hualiang touched her head, "Go to sleep and get back to the cage, I don't think your mind is very clear."

If it was before, how could he be so foolish that he couldn't turn around.

It seems that he has been asking for it in the past two days, and she is so tired that her mind is not clear.

Xia Weibao yawned, "Yes, I'm still a little sleepy. I'll go back to sleep. It's not convenient for you."

Lu Hualiang was speechless. He had already spent the night. What's inconvenient.

"Okay, it's dawn, you will only be seen when you run back now, you sleep here, and no one knows you are here."

Xia Weibao thought for a while, it made sense.

Then sleep here, and when you go back, just make an excuse to say that she has something to do with Summer.

Lu Hualiang went down and poured her a glass of water, and brought up a breakfast.

After she finishes eating, adjust the temperature of the room and help her tuck the thin quilt.

After she fell asleep, she got up and went out.

In the living room downstairs, only Neil was waiting.

Others cannot enter his territory without orders.

Lu Hualiang walked to the center of the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Lean back naturally with your legs folded.

The powerful aura makes the huge living room depressing.

The face is cold and solitary, domineering is naturally natural, and extremely noble.

Obviously it was just an ordinary sofa, but he was sitting out of the dragon chair.

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