Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1642: Poor Neil, can't come back

Xia Weibao was rolling with the quilt, and when he heard the sound of pushing the door, he turned to see Lu Hualiang coming in.

Suddenly smiled.

"Where are my clothes."

It's already noon, and if you don't go back, you will be arrested.

Lu Hualiang took her clothes and didn't avoid it. He sat on the side of the bed and looked at it very honestly.

Xia Weibao, "..."

Can you avoid it?

"I want to change clothes."

President Lu didn't change his face, "You change."

Xia Weibao raised her foot, and pointed her slender foot at him, "Turn around."

This means, turn around and get kicked out of bed, choose one.

"My wife, you have to pay attention to your image."

Xia Weibao lifted the quilt, directly covered his pocket and changed clothes quickly.

"Images are all pretended to be seen by outsiders."

As for whether you are in front of him, whether you pretend or not depends on her mood.

After changing clothes, Xia Weibao turned the window and left.

Although it's broad daylight, it's a bit of a guise to go out through the window, but I still have to do it.

Leaving the courtyard and passing Taolin, I saw Xia Chuyan carrying a food box and walking towards the Yanxia Group courtyard.

The empress was a little guilty, and quickly hid in Taolin.

Detour back.

When Xia Chuyan came to the Yanxia Group's yard, she found that Neil had disappeared.

Where's the boyfriend? What about a big boyfriend.

After asking someone to find out, Neil did something wrong and was sent to the African desert.

Xia Chuyan, "..."

How could this be!

After asking for a while, no one knew why he left the distribution.

Just said that he offended Summer.

This made Xia Chuyan very anxious and wanted to see Summer, but couldn't even see the figure.

In the end, there was no choice but to call Xia Weibao.

From her observation, Summer must be interesting to Xia Weibao. As for the extent to which the two have developed, it is unknown.

Maybe we are already together, after all, Xia Weibao didn't return all night last night.

The question of where to go remains to be determined.

"Sister Wu, where are you." Xia Chuyan's voice changed in anxiety.

"I'm sleeping in the room, what's wrong with you second sister?" Hearing this voice, something was wrong.

"Sleeping? Didn't you come back last night?"

Xia Weibao was ashamed, but was actually discovered.

I can't admit this, otherwise I can't explain it clearly.

"I didn't go out last night. I was not feeling well, so I was sleeping all the time and just woke up."

Xia Chuyan frowned, but she knocked on the door several times last night, obviously no one responded.

Could it be that she took the medicine too much, Xia Weibao hasn't gotten well until now, and she slept too hard?

Forget it, now is not the time to care about this, "Fifth Sister, how is your relationship with Summer, are you familiar?"

Xia Weibao looked embarrassed, "unfamiliar."

Does she dare to know her, a married woman, if she gets close to other men, what others will say.

Xia Chuyan was almost anxious, "What can I do about this."

"What's wrong with my second sister."

"My boy... I heard that Neil didn't know what he did wrong, so he angered Summer and was sent to the desert."

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be this.

He leaned back and lay on the sofa with his legs hooked, eating the spicy noodles and saying with no interest, "Oh, it's so miserable."

Deserve it!

Who made him always target her.

The farther you go, the better.

"Yeah, I don't know what that idiot did. I'm so anxious."

"Second sister, Neil is not distributed by you, so what anxious."

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