Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1644: Don't regret being a fool

She is almost stunned.

Ashamed and went back to the palace.

Everyone behind him, "..."

Knowing that the master's study is not for people to enter, would you dare to run in furiously?

And he kicked the door!

Seeing this familiarity is still straightforward, have you done this before?

So the question is, who is this woman? !

Lu Hualiang was speechless, and this was not his real study room, it was just a temporary stop for the Xia family.

The meeting is naturally held in the study.

"Have you twisted it?" he said, carefully helping him up.

Xia Weibao bowed his head all the way, not daring to welcome the attention of everyone in the study.

"It's okay."

"Go back to the room and wait for me."

Everyone behind him, "..."

Damn... Damn it!

Who is this woman!

Go to his master's room! ! ! !

Could it be that a brother recently said that the master saw a lady in the Xia family, and often secretly date at night, this is the one in front of him?

But isn't the person the master likes Miss Xia Yongxuan, where does this one come from?

I really want to gossip.

However, Yanxia Group has strict discipline and cannot discuss the master's affairs in private.

So even if you see it, you should treat it as if you haven't seen it.

Want to ask, but also suffocated in the stomach.

Lu Hualiang still felt uneasy, holding Xia Weibao himself upstairs.

Fuck... Fuck, groove, groove, groove, groove! ! ! ! !

Hugged it, actually hugged it in front of them!

Does this mean their future mistress?

The head of the empress was buried in Lu Hualiang's stomach.

"You let me down, so many people are watching."

"Not afraid, they dare not talk nonsense."

It cannot be disclosed to the public, but it is still possible to disclose it internally.

Marrying such a beautiful wife, but always being coveted by others, this feeling is really uncomfortable!

Back in the room and put Xia Weibao on the bed, Lu Hualiang was still worried and checked her feet.

After confirming that it was not twisted, he raised his eyes to look at her, "What can I do?"

"It's nothing urgent, if you are busy..."

"Not busy."

"But there are still people waiting for your meeting..."

"Let them wait, it's not as important as you."

Xia Weibao's heart was warm, and this feeling seemed to have returned to a thousand years ago.

As long as she coughs a little bit, even if it is in the morning, he will throw away the following military officials, push down the national affairs, and go to see her.

Everyone said that he was a faint emperor, who was disregarding major events for the queen.

Even the historical records of later generations gave him mixed evaluations.

He is Mingjun, because he created the prosperous era of Daxia, the country is prosperous and powerful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Guotai and people are safe and prosperous.

He is also faint, because he spoiled the most domineering and unreasonable queen in history, and even deposed the Sixth Palace for the queen.

He was supposed to be a celebrity and admired forever, but because of her, he was burdened with the infamy of Faunjun.

Today, he is repeating the history a thousand years ago.

"I'm really fine, you go to the meeting first, and talk about it after the meeting."

Lu Hualiang took out his cell phone and dialed a number, "The meeting is over."

Then, looking at her, "may you say it."

It is rare that she took the initiative to find her, how could she still have the mind to go to the meeting.

Xia Weibao, "..."

She suddenly wanted to ask a question.

"Emperor, you won't regret it... You did so many ridiculous things for me before?"

Now that he has remembered all the memories, it should be clear how later generations would evaluate him.

Have you regretted the infamy you left behind?

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